Prof. Dr. Irene Pajon Leyra


Prof. Dr. Irene Pajón Leyra
Profesor Titular de Universidad
Universidad de Sevila
Departamento de Filología Griega y Latina

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Einführung in die Papyrologie

Die Papyrologie ist eine Spezialdisziplin der Klassischen Altertumswissenschaft und gibt Einblicke in antike Zeugnisse des Alltags und über den Alltag, die sonst nicht überliefert sind. Neben dokumentarischen Quellen, wie Rechnungen, Briefen oder Verträgen, sind auch große literarische Werke auf Papyrus erhalten. Thematisch geben diese Quellen damit nicht nur Einblicke in die antike Rechts-, Wirtschafts-, Verwaltungs-, Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte, sondern auch in die Entwicklung der antiken Sprachen sowie der textkritischen Überlieferung der antiken Texte.

Dieser Lektürekurs möchte eine Einführung in das Thema Papyrologie sowohl für Studenten der Geschichtswissenschaften als auch der Klassischen Philologie, Gräzistik und Klassischen Archäologie geben. Er versteht sich damit als interdisziplinärer Grundlagenkurs der Altertumswissenschaften. In acht Sitzungen soll ein Überblick über die gängigen Sprachen, Formate und Corpora antiker Papyri (in Original und Übersetzung) sowie deren Hauptthemeninhalte gegeben werden. Der Kurs findet digital über Zoom statt. Veranstaltungssprache ist englisch.

Link zu campus: 82-068-GES21-V-S-LK-0914.20212.003


Current position

- Since 19th September 2017: Lecturer in Greek Philology, Department of Greek and Latin Philology, University of Seville.

Previous positions

- 01/01/2017-18/09/2017: Postdoctoral Researcher, Instituto de Lenguas y Culturas del Mediterráneo y Oriente Próximo, Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.

- 08/06/2015-07/03/2016: Postdoctoral Researcher, CEPAM-UMR 7264, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis-CNRS.

- 16/12/2011-15/12/2014: Postdoctoral Researcher (“Juan de la Cierva” Training Research Contract), CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spanish High Council of Research, Madrid).

- 1/09/2010-15/12/2011: Postdoctoral Fellow, Oxford University, Classics Centre, Corpus Christi College. Academic Visitor at Corpus Christi College, Oxford. Funded by the Spanish Foundation of Science and Technology (FECYT).

- 01/08/2001 to 31/07/2005, Graduate Student, Complutense University, Madrid. Research Staff Predoctoral Training Grant (FPI).

General research interests          

Ancient Geography, Papyrology, Artemidorus papyrus, Paradoxography, ancient Ethnography, geographic and ethnographic papyri, transmission of Aristotle.



- Classical Philology: 1st June 2001. Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain.

Score: 3,49, from a maximum of 4.

- Hebrew Philology: 20th December 2006. Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain. Score: 3,54, from a maximum of 4.

Extraordinary Graduate Distinction in Hebrew Philology of the Complutense University, 2006.


- Doctor in Classical Philology.

Thesis: Paradoxografía Griega: Estudio de un Género Literario (Greek Paradoxography : Study of a Literary Genre)

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Javier de Hoz Bravo, Complutense University, Madrid.

Discussion: 15th July 2008, obtaining the highest mark (Sobresaliente Cum Laude).

Distinctions: Mention Doctor europaeus and Extraordinary PhD Distinction of the Complutense University in Classics.


- 2001-2003, DEA (Diploma de Estudos Avanzados) in Classical Philology, Complutense University (Madrid), presenting the research work Asombro y ciencia en la obra de Posidonio de Apamea (Astonishment and Science in the Work of Posidonius of Apamea), obtaining the highest mark.


- 02/11/2016-18/12/2016: Berlin, Freie Universität (Friedrich-Meinecke Institut, under the supervision of Prof. Klaus Geus).

Object: invited by the Centre of International Cooperation of the FU, in the context of the programme “Internationale  Netzwerkuniversität”.

- 01/04/2015-30/06/2015: Berlin, Freie Universität, under the supervision of Prof. Klaus Geus.

Object: study of the Berlin papyrus 13.044r, in the context of the Research Project Practicing Knowledge in Islamic Societies and their Neighbours directed by Prof. María Isabel Fierro (CSIC) and funded by the Humboldt Foundation.

- 27/02/2005 - 30/04/2005: Rome, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, under the supervision of Prof. Luigi Enrico Rossi.

Object: development of Doctoral Thesis.

- 25/08/2004 - 15/12/2004: Rome, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, under the supervision of Prof. Luigi Enrico Rossi.

Object: development of Doctoral Thesis.

- 01/09/2003 - 15/12/2003: Oxford University, under the supervision of Dr. Katherine Clarke, St. Hilda’s College.

Object: development of Doctoral Thesis.

Participation in research projects

1) As Principal Investigator

- 01/01/2017-31/12/2019 (but renounced the 18/09/2017): The Earth on Papyrus: A Vision on Ancient Geography through Greek Papyri and Webmaps. Funding Institution: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity. Reference: FFI2015-73445-JIN. Funding: 111.000€.

2) As member of the research team


- 08/06/2015-present: ZOOMATHIA. Groupement de recherche international Transmission culturelle des savoirs zoologiques (Antiquité- Moyen Âge): discourse et techniques. Principal Investigator: Arnaud Zucker (CEPAM, UMR 7264, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, CNRS).

- 05/2015-present: Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker, Part IV: Biography and Antiquarian Literature.  Principal Investigator: Stefan Schorn (Leuven).

- 1/4/2015-present: Practicing Knowledge in Islamic Societies and their Neighbours,  funded by the Humboldt Foundation. Principal investigator: María Isabel Fierro (CSIC).


- 4/5/2018-29/12/2020: El Prisma Romano: Ideología, Cultura y Clasicismo, Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity. Principal Investigator: Francisco José González Ponce.

- 1/2/2015-31/01/2017: Tratamiento tecnológico de archivos digitales (imágenes y textos) de documentación papirácea antigua; Convocatòria d'ajuts a la recerca RecerCaixa 2014. Principal investigator: Alberto Nodar Domínguez.

- 1/1/2012-31/12/2014: Death on the Nile: Aspects of the Greek and Egyptian Funerary Customs in Egypt. With contributors of the Universities of Chicago and Leuven. Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity. Principal investigator: Sofía Torallas Tovar.

- 16/12/2011-31/12/2012, renewed until 15/12/2015: DVCTVS: the Written Memory. Recuperation of the Nacional Papyrological Funds. Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity. Principal investigator: Sofía Torallas Tovar.

- 1/08/2001-31/08/2005, renewed 01/01/2006-01/09/2010: Contribution to the Linguistic Paleohispanic Data Base Hesperia and its Use to Research the Interferences between Paleohispanic Languages and other Languages. Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology. Principal Investigator: Javier de Hoz Bravo.