"Die zeitgenössische Kunst als Segment im interreligiösen Dialog. Chancen, Impulse, Provokationen."
11. - 12. Oktober 2023
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The Concept of Sin in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
It is asserted by Judaism, Christianity and Islam alike that sin is a central part of human life. Where sin comes from, however, is answered differently in the respective religions. While both the Bible and the Qur’an agree that there was a kind of "fall" of Adam at the beginning of human history, this fall is interpreted solely in classical Christian theology in terms of an "original" or "ancestral sin." Moreover, the classical doctrine of original sin is becoming increasingly called into question in today's Christian theology. This example already shows that the concept of sin is anything but clear. What does sin mean? Is sin primarily a violation of God's commandments? Or does the term "sin" refer to a radical corruption of man’s nature? How does sin relate to man’s redemption, toward which all three religions aim? The book "The Concept of Sin in Judaism, Christianity and Islam" addresses these and related questions. It analyzes how "sin" has been understood in the three religions in the past and the present and points out similarities and differences.
Verlag De Gruyter / 1. Auflage 2025 / Kartoniert / 175 Seiten / ISBN: 978-3-11-130394-9
Il messaggio di gesù sul regno di dio
II regno di Dia è il fulcro della predicazione di Gesù, il punto di riferimento di ogni sua azione e, di conseguenza, il nucleo stesso della fede cristiana. Oggi sembra però trascurato nell'annuncio ecclesiale e nella teologia. Vi domina infatti ampiamente una dottrina della redenzione incentrata sulla croce e la risurrezione: per il Catechismo della Chiesa cattolica, centro della buona novella è essenzialmente il mistero pasquale; per la teologia, salvezza e redenzione non si collegano in modo incisivo con l'annuncio di Gesù; nelle preghiere eucaristiche è raro che compaia in maniera esplicita il messaggio di Gesù sulla venuta del Regno; la signoria di Dio, concetto chiave in teologia biblica, è estranea alla coscienza di molti fedeli ... Christoph Böttigheimer cerca di riportare al centro dell'attenzione, perciò, il messaggio sul regno di Dio, a quanto pare finite in secondo piano, e ne spiega il senso e l'importanza. II regno di Dio è già presente o deve ancora venire? In che misura il ritorno di Cristo, quella parusia che sembra prendere il posto della venuta del Regno, si riferisce all'universo intero? La redenzione e la salvezza derivano soltanto dalla passione e morte di Gesù in croce, o c'è di più? Dato che l'odierna crisi ecclesiale è di fatto una crisi della fede, è essenziale chiedersi: l'annuncio odierno riflette integralmente il messaggio del Gesù consegnatoci dai vangeli canonici?
Verlag Queriniana, Brescia / 1. Auflage 2024/ Sprache Italienisch/ Reihe: Biblioteca di teologia contemporanea Bd. 220 / 211 Seiten / ISBN: 978-88-399-3620-2
The Concept of Body in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
This volume of the series "Key Concepts in Interreligious Discourses" investigates the roots of the concept of "body" in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
The Body and being a created being stands in the focus of all the thre major monotheistic faiths. It is not just by the christian idea of man's likeness to God that indicates that the human body is a central object of religious thinking, both culturally and theologically charged. Here, the body stands in the crossfire of terms like "pure" and "unpure", "sacred" and "profane", "male" and "femal". And besides the theological controversies, everyday experiences like sexuality, gender equality and how to dispose of the own body (and that of others) are undoubtly recent and highly contentious discussion points in the debate of a peaceful living together of different religions and cultures.
The volume presents the concept of "body" in its different aspects as anchored in the traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It unfolds commonalities and differences between the three monotheistic religions as well as the manifold discourses about peace within these three traditions. The book offers fundamental knowledge about the specific understanding of the body in each one of these traditions, their interdependencies and their relationship to secular world views.
Verlag De Gruyter / 1. Auflage 2024 / kartoniert / 178 Seiten / ISBN: 978-3-11-074817-8
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The Concept of Soul in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
This volume of the series "Key Concepts in Interreligious Discourses" investigates the roots of the concept of "soul" in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
The human soul fascinates not only believers in the three monotheistic faiths. Believing in an immortal entitiy, surpassing body, materia and their temporality and thus seeming to be closer to the creator that the mere body was and remains to be a vividly discussed theme in theological and practical debates. Even our secular, postreligious environment is unable to disengage from the key concept of the soul. Numerous proverbs, undefined concepts and hopes prove this fact. Asking for the soul means asking fundamental questions like life after death and therefor asking for one of the most fundamental and uniting hopes of human beings, be they secular or religious.
The volume presents the concept of "soul" in its different aspects as anchored in the traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It unfolds commonalities and differences between the three monotheistic religions as well as the manifold discourses about peace within these three traditions. The book offers fundamental knowledge about the specific understanding of the soul in each one of these traditions, their interdependencies and their relationship to secular world views.
Verlag De Gruyter / 1. Auflage 2023 / kartoniert / 132 Seiten / ISBN: 978-3-11-074818-5
The Concept of Environment in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
On the seventh day, God rested and thus completed his creation. Likewise, man should rest on the seventh day and every seven years leave the fields fallow to rest. If you like, a divine economic and environmental programme is encountered here. "Subdue the earth" is not to be misunderstood as a mandate to subjugate and exploit, but on the contrary as a call to preserve God's "very good" creation. Its current explosiveness illustrates precisely this fundamental relationship. Even secular circles now speak of the "integrity of creation" as a matter of course. And in Muslim countries, scholars and activists are preparing to launch a "green Islam", based of course on Quranic principles. At the same time, faith communities and churches with their commitment to nature and to a just world of work are moving into the concrete focus of public attention and are serious players in the current discourse. Reason enough, then, to get to the bottom of the concept of "environment" in the world religions. How do religions position themselves on the ecological question? What are the foundations of their decisions? And can they make a significant contribution to the current problem and to the enquiries of many people?
Verlag De Gruyter / 1. Auflage 2023 / Kartoniert / 178 Seiten / ISBN:978-3-11-078231-8
The Concept of Economy in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
The way of doing business is part of man's interaction with creation. In the context of the ecological crisis, the focus is not only increasingly on the economic order, but also on economic practice in the holy scriptures of all three monotheistic religions. In principle, believers are not detached from their religion in their economic actions and must act out of a sense of responsibility before God. Responsible action is characterised by an orientation towards the common good, even though many ideas of social justice have only become concrete in modern times. In this context, the prohibition of interest on money is certainly of interest, which is known both in Islam and was demanded, for example, by Martin Luther and Jewish religious scholars. This brings us to the questions that are of interest with regard to the ecological actions of believers, such as: What about the legitimacy of property? How is the pursuit of profit maximisation compatible with social obligation? Or: What are the connections between the principles of a social market economy and an Islamic economic order?
Verlag De Gruyter / 1. Auflage 2023 / Kartoniert / 146 Seiten / ISBN: 978-3-11-078230-1
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Lehrbuch der Fundamentaltheologie, 4. Auflage
Das Standardwerk in neuer Auflage
Christoph Böttigheimers Lehrbuch der Fundamentaltheologie hat sich sehr schnell zu einem Standardwerk innerhalb der katholischen Theologie entwickelt. Es stellt die wesentlichen Inhalte aller Bereiche der Fundamentaltheologie und deren aktuellen Diskussionsstand dar. In verständlicher Sprache legt der Autor die Fundamentaltheologie als Grundwissenschaft innerhalb der theologischen Disziplinen aus und behandelt die großen Themengebiete Religion und Religionskritik, Offenbarung und Theologie der Religionen sowie Kirche und Ökumene. Ein grundlegendes Werk für das theologische Studium.
Die vierte Auflage des Lehrbuchs zeichnet eine umfangreiche Überarbeitung aus. Die einzelnen gegenwärtigen fundamentaltheologischen Ansätze wurden einander neu zugeordnet und verstärkt auf die aktuellen theologischen Debatten bezogen. Forschungsergebnisse der vergangenen Jahre und neueste Dokumente des kirchlichen Lehramtes wurden berücksichtigt.
Verlag Herder / 4. Auflage 2022 / 888 Seiten / ISBN: 978-3-451-39124-8
(IN)Sensatezza della preghiera.
Perché chiedere, e perché chiedere a Dio? Tra l'atto della fede e il contenuto della fede esiste una imprescindibile reciprocità. Le questioni che ne emergono vengono qui dibattute focalizzandosi sulla preghiera di domanda. Il libro evidenzia le obiezioni della filosofia, delle scienze naturali e della teologia alle preghiere che esprimono richiesta o supplica, intercessione o invocazione, e cerca di trovare una loro legittimazione razionale. Nel far diventare la supplica a Dio un tema del pensiero, il teologo Bottigheimer tratta altresì questioni fondamentali della fede nel Dio cristiano e - alternando domande e tentativi di risposta - offre in chiave critica una chiarificazione di alcuni concetti correnti sulla natura del divino. A conferma che nella preghiera si acquista consapevolezza delle sfide e degli interrogativi del credere. Fino ad esclamare, con Karl Rahner: «Credo perché prego!».
Christoph Böttigheimer, nato nel 1960, è docente di teologia fondamentale all’Università cattolica di Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (Germania). È uno dei più noti teologi di lingua tedesca della nuova generazione, autore di un importante testo di studio entrato nelle facoltà teologiche tedesche: Lehrbuch der Fundamentaltheologie. Die Rationalität der Gottes-, Offenbarungsund Kirchenfrage (Freiburg i. Br. 42022).
Titolo originale: Christoph Böttigheimer, Sinn(losig)keit des Bittgebets. Auf der Suche nach einer rationalen Verantwortung © 2018 by Verlag Herder Gmbh Freiburg i. Br. © 2022 by Editrice Queriniana, Brescia via ferri, 75 – 25123 Brescia (Italia/UE), ISBN 978-88-399-3440-6, Traduzione dal tedesco di Gianni Poletti
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Inklusivismus und Toleranz.
Das Bauprogramm und die Religionspolitik Rogers II. im theologischen Kontext des Hohen Mittelalters. 2021, XII und 508 Seiten / ISBN 978-3-402-20303-6 / Aschendorff Verlag. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters. Neue Folge, Band 88
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Abschied von der Erbsündenlehre?
Die Begriffe Erbsünde und Freiheit stehen in einem Widerspruch. Im Kontext der Aufklärung hat sich dieses Spannungsverhältnis zusätzlich verschärft. Wird nämlich die Autonomie des Einzelnen betont und eingefordert, erscheint die Behauptung einer Erbschuld, die jenseits des eigenen Verantwortungsbereichs liegt, wenig einsichtig. Was vermag angesichts dieser Problematik das klassische Erbsündenkonstrukt heute noch auszudrücken? Wie kann die Theologie auf die neuzeitliche Freiheitsidee reagieren, ohne den soteriologischen Grundgedanken einer universalen Notwendigkeit menschlicher Erlösung zu negieren? Diesen Fragen geht die Quaestio auf den Grund.
Mit Beiträgen von Christoph Böttigheimer, René Dausner, Gunda Werner, Roman A. Siebenrock, Erwin Dirscherl, Friederike Nüssel, Dorothea Sattler, Thomas Schärtl, Karlheinz Ruhstorfer, Reinhold Esterbauer, Jakub Sirovátka, Claudia Welz, Hans-Joachim Sander, Konrad Hilpert, Georg Essen
Verlag Herder / 1. Auflage 2021 / Kartoniert / 432 Seiten / ISBN: 978-3-451-02316-3
Die unverkürzte Botschaft Jesu
Das Reich Gottes ist Inhalt der Predigt Jesu und Kerngehalt christlichen Glaubens. Weithin aber dominiert eine auf das Kreuz fokussierte Erlösungslehre, wodurch der Glaube inhaltlich halbiert wird. Böttigheimer rückt demgegenüber die Reich-Gottes-Botschaft in den Fokus, erläutert ihre Bedeutung und klärt wichtige Fragen: Ist Gottes Reich schon gegenwärtig oder noch ausstehend? Was hat es mit dem Gedanken der Wiederkunft Christi auf sich? Rühren Erlösung und Heil allein vom Kreuzestod Jesu her? Deutlich wird, dass die gegenwärtig schwierige Situation der Kirche tief reicht und den Inhalt des Glaubens betrifft: Ist das, was heute verkündigt wird, noch die unverkürzte Botschaft Jesu?
Verlag Herder / 1. Auflage 2020 / Gebunden mit Schutzumschlag / 272 Seiten / ISBN: 978-3-451-38754-8
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