Prof. Dr. Shashi Matta ist Professor und Lehrstuhlinhaber am Lehrstuhl für Innovation & Creativity sowie Prodekan für Internationalisierung an der WFI Ingolstadt School of Management der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt Ingolstadt (KU). Professor Matta ist seit Juni 2018 an der KU tätig. Er ist Gründungsdirektor des KU-Forschungsinstituts für Business and Economics in Service of Humanity (BESH) und fungiert zudem als strategischer Berater für Universitätseinschreibungen und -förderung an der KU. Seine frühere akademische Laufbahn umfasst Positionen als Fakultätsdirektor von MBA-Programmen und außerordentlicher Professor für Marketing - Klinisches Marketing an der Ohio State University am Fisher College of Business in Columbus, Ohio, USA. Er hat einen Bachelor-Abschluss in Ingenieurwesen (Osmania University, Indien, 1995), einen Master-Abschluss in Betriebswirtschaftslehre (XLRI Jamshedpur, Indien, 1999) und einen Doktortitel (PhD) in Betriebswirtschaftslehre (University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA, 2006). Er lebte 17 Jahre lang in den Vereinigten Staaten, bevor er im Juni 2018 nach Deutschland kam.
Professor Matta ist ein preisgekrönter Forscher, Dozent und Mentor, der sich dem Aufbau stabiler Brücken zwischen Wissenschaft, Industrie und Gesellschaft verschrieben hat. Er unterhält enge Kontakte in die Wirtschaft durch Beratungs- und Vortragstätigkeiten bei mehreren internationalen Unternehmen in den Bereichen Wachstumsstrategien, Kreativität & Innovation, Marketingstrategien, Markenbildung & Positionierung, Werbung, Marketingmetriken, Return on Investment, Kundenerfahrung und Servicemanagement. Zu diesen Themenbereichen wurde er als Experte für Medienberichte auf nationaler Ebene in den Vereinigten Staaten gehört. Professor Matta engagierte sich durch unentgeltliche Beratung und die Betreuung von Studierendenprojekten für gemeinnützige Organisationen in den Vereinigten Staaten.
Die von Professor Matta gesammelte Branchenerfahrung vor seiner Promotion umfasst Positionen im Markenmanagement, in der Werbung und im Marketing. Er hat auf allen Ebenen unterrichtet, unter anderem in MBA-, Master-, Bachelor- und Executive Education-Programmen, und hat mehrere Lehrpreise gewonnen.
Professor Matta forscht in den Bereichen Verbraucherverhalten, Innovation, Markenbildung, Stereotypen und Dienstleistungsmarketing. Seine Forschung wurde in hochrangigen akademischen Zeitschriften veröffentlicht, darunter Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Retailing, AMS Review, Psychology & Marketing, Review of Marketing Research und Emotion.
Professor Matta hat Erfahrung als Vorstandsmitglied von gewinnorientierten und gemeinnützigen Organisationen und wurde als Sachverständiger in Rechtsfällen im Zusammenhang mit Brand Confusion und Verbraucherverhalten gehört.
Innovation Strategies
Branding and Brand Extensions
Financial and Physical Well-being
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Rogova, Natalia, and Shashi Matta (2022), "The Role of Identity in Digital Consumer Behavior: A Conceptual Model and Research Propositions Based on Gender," AMS Review.
Scarpi, Daniele, Gabriele Pizzi, and Shashi Matta (2022). "Digital Technologies and Privacy: State of the Art and Research Directions," Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 39 (9), 1687-1697.
Matta, Shashi, Natalia Rogova, and Gonzalo Luna-Cortés (2022), “Investigating Tolerance of Uncertainty, COVID-19 Concern, and Compliance with Recommended Behavior in Four Countries: The Moderating Role of Mindfulness, Trust in Scientists, and Power Distance,” Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. 186 (A), 111352.
Hogreve, Jens, Shashi Matta, Alexander Hettich, and Rebecca Walker-Reczek (2020), “How do Social Norms Influence Parents’ Food Choices for their Children? The Role of Social Comparison and Implicit Self-Theories,” Journal of Retailing, Vol. 97 (2), 173-190.
Lickel, Brian, Kostadin Kushlev, Victoria Savalei, Shashi Matta, and Toni Schmader (2014), “ Shame and Motivation to Change the Self,” Emotion, Vol. 14 (6), 1049-1061.
Folkes, Valerie, and Shashi Matta (2013)*, “When a Product Takes On Characteristics of the Person Who Created it: Sometimes it Sounds Sweeter,” Journal of Consumer Psychology, Vol. 23 (1), 19-35.
*Lead research article
Yorkston, Eric, Joseph Nunes, and Shashi Matta (2010), “The Malleable Brand: The Role of Implicit Theories in Evaluating Brand Extensions,” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 74 (1), 80-93.
Folkes, Valerie, and Shashi Matta (2007), “How Much to Use? An Action-Goal Framework of the Factors Influencing Consumption Quantity,” Review of Marketing Research, Vol. 4, 33-62.
Matta, Shashi, and Valerie Folkes (2005)**, “Inferences about the Brand from Counter-Stereotypical Service Providers,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 32 (2), 196-206.
**Winner of the AMA SERVSIG Award for ‘Best Paper in Services, Published in 2005.’
Martin, Ingrid M., David W. Stewart, and Shashi Matta (2005), “Branding Strategies, Marketing Communication, and Perceived Brand Meaning: The Transfer of Purposive, Goal–Oriented Brand Meaning to Brand Extensions,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 33 (3), 275-294.
Folkes, Valerie, and Shashi Matta (2004), “The Effect of Package Shape on Consumers’ Judgments of Product Volume: Attention as a Mental Contaminant,” Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 31 (2), 390–401.
Book Chapters
Matta, Shashi, Claudia Aranibar Chávez, Mahir El, Alina Hansen, and Aurore Keller (2022), “Elevating Ideas - Creating Meaning: A Five Step Framework from Idea to Reality,” in Changing Time - Shaping World: Changemakers in Art and Education, Colombia University Press.
Matta, Shashi, and Gonzalo Luna-Cortés (2020), “I Share, Therefore I am: Reflections on Visual Dialogue from a Consumer Psychology Perspective on Creativity, Identity, and Value,” Dialog- Dialogues: Ein Artistic-Research-Project im interdisziplinären Dialog, ed. Rainer Wenrich and Petia Knebel.
Martin, Ingrid M., Shashi Matta, and David W. Stewart (2003), “The Role of Goals in Extending Brand Equity,” Advances in Psychology Research, Vol. 25, ed. Serge P. Shohov, New York: Nova Science Publishers, 31-48. Reprinted in Progress in Economics Research, Vol. 8, 2004, 1-18.
*For a list of academic conference presentations, see the next section
Featured Speaker, “Future Work Skills,” Labor Market Call, for the Public Employment Agency, Bavaria (Agentur für Arbeit, Bayern), September 2023
LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Workshop on "Happiness based on Science," at Phytobiotics Futterzusatzstoffe GmbH, September 2023
Host and Co-Moderator for Panel Discussion on, "Mittelstand und Start-Ups: Die Zukunft des Fortschritts / How can SMEs and Start-ups successfully colaborate?," at the Long Night of Business and Science, WFI - Ingolstadt School of Management, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, May 2023
Workshop on "The Science of Happiness Series - The Twin Concepts of Eudamonia and Ikigai: How to be Happy and Fulfilled in our Personal and Professional Lives," at the Graduate School of Management, University of California at Davis, February 2023
Featured Speaker, “Future Work Skills, Personal-Anforderungen der Zukunft,” Wirtschafts- und Beschäftigungsförderung Region Ingolstadt (WiBef10), December 2022
Featured Speaker, “Future Forward: The Most Crucial Skills for the Future of Work,” Allianz Consulting, Munich, December 2022
LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Workshop on Collaborative Leadership, Shared Vision, and Innovative Problem-Solving, at the Graduate School of Management, University of California at Davis, September 2022
LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Workshop on Future Planning, at CARIAD, A Volkswagen Company, September 2022
Toulouse Business School (TBS) Social & Innovation Marketing Lab, September 2022. Research presentation on “The Effects of Exposure to Inequality and Product Scarcity on Consumers’ Willingness to Pay and Negotiate.”
Workshop on “Conquering Fear,” at the WFI - Ingolstadt School of Management, Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, July 2022
Featured Speaker, “Disrupting the Future: The Will and the Vision for Innovation,” Volkswagen's 12th Startup Community Event, July 2022
Workshop on “Disrupting the Future: The Will and the Vision for Innovation,” Munich Tech Days - Digital Innnovation, June 2022
Bologna Business School (BBS), Department of Management Reseach Seminar, March 2022. Research presentation on “The Person Brand Effect and the Role of Product Innovation.”
Bologna Business School (BBS), Department of Management Doctoral Session, March 2022. Presentation on “Behavioral (Experimental) Research: Trends, Requirements, Do's and Don'ts.”
Featured Changemaker Keynote Session, “Changing Time – Shaping World” Series, November 2021
International Mediation Day, Mediation DACH e.V., Germany, June 2021. Featured Speaker Session on “Five Big Ideas for the Future of Conflict, Resolution and Harmony.”
Toulouse Business School (TBS) Social & Innovation Marketing Lab, May 2021. Research presentation on “Investigating Consumers’ Tolerance of Uncertainty, COVID-19 Concern, and Compliance with Recommended Behavior in Four Countries.”
Sprint4Local Hackathon and Innovation Challenge by brigk and IFG Ingolstadt, Ingolstadt, Germany, April 2020. Webinar on “Innovation in Times of Crisis.”
Gabelli School of Business, Fordham University, New York City, USA, February 2020. LEGO® Serious Play® Workshop for Faculty on “Infusing Social Innovation in the Curriculum.”
Aerospace MBA Program, Toulouse Business School (TBS), Toulouse, France, February 2020. LEGO® Serious Play® Workshop on “Business Growth Strategies and Innovative Solutions.”
University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, January 2020. Research Presentation on “More Than a Matter of Opinion? Consumers’ Perceptions of the Usefulness of Online Ratings Provided by Critics and Users.”
University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany, January 2020. Research Presentation on “The Person Brand Effect and the Role of Product Innovation.”
Workshop on Social & Innovation Marketing, Toulouse Business School (TBS), Toulouse, France, November 2019. Research Presentation on “The Person Brand Effect and the Role of Product Innovation.”
Toulouse Business School (TBS), Casablanca, Morocco, October 2019. LEGO® Serious Play® Workshop on “Building a Research Program.”
Interdisciplinary Summer School Workshop, Hanns Seidel Foundation, Casablanca, Morocco, October 2019. LEGO® Serious Play® Workshop on “Research Impact.”
Interdisciplinary Summer School Workshop, Hanns Seidel Foundation, Casablanca, Morocco, October 2019. Research Workshop on “Identity: Perspectives from Social Psychology and Consumer Behavior.”
Creativity and Construction Grammar Workshop II, Fritz Thyssen Foundation and Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Eichstätt, Germany, March 2019. Research Presentation on “Connecting the Dots: Insights on Creativity from Research in Business and Consumer Behavior.”
Toulouse Business School (TBS), Social & Innovation Marketing Lab, Toulouse, France, March 2019. Research Presentation on “Parental Choice of Healthy Food for Children: The Role of Social Comparison, Implicit Self-Theories and Social Norms.”
Komark Annual Meeting 2019, Karlsruhe, Germany, January 2019. Research Presentation on “Parental Choice of Healthy Food for Children: The Role of Social Comparison, Implicit Self-Theories and Social Norms.”
"Corporate Responsible Innovation and its Performance: Managerial and Cross-Cultural Perspectives,” with Maximilian Bauer, Anna Reith, Tomoko Kawakami, Linda Hamdi-Kidar, and Rajeev Gopalakrishnan. 31st IPDMC: Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, Dublin, Ireland, June 2024.
“Responsible Innovation in Service Firms: A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Stakeholder Engagement in the Innovation Process,” with Maximilian Bauer, Anna Reith, Tomoko Kawakami, Linda Hamdi-Kidar, and Rajeev Gopalakrishnan. 13th SERVSIG Conference, Bordeaux, France, June 2024.
“Open Innovation Activity and Innovation Performance in SMEs: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Investigation,” with Maximilian Bauer. AMA Winter Academic Conference, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA, February 2024.
“Privacy Literacy and Consumers’ Use of Digital Services: Evidence from Six Countries,” with Gonzalo Luna Cortes, Maximilian Bauer, and Shanshan Lou. Frontiers in Service Conference, AMA, Maastricht, Netherlands, June 2023.
“Why are Complaints from Some Consumers taken more Seriously than those from Others? Gender Discrimination in Service Recovery Response: The Role of Employees' Age,” with Natalia Rogova. Frontiers in Service Conference, AMA, Maastricht, Netherlands, June 2023.
"Competitive Strategies for Open Innovation in Small and Medium-Sized Companies," with Maximilian Bauer, 30th IPDMC: Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, Lecco, Italy, June 2023.
“Privacy Literacy and its Effect on Marketplace Behavior: Scale Development, Evidence, and Comparison Across Six Countries,” with Gonzalo Luna Cortes, Maximilian Bauer, and Shanshan Lou. AMA Winter Academic Conference, Nashville, TN, USA, February 2023.
“Open Innovation Activity and Innovation Performance in SMEs: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Investigation,” with Maximilian Bauer, 6th IMM Summit, Bamberg, Germany, Januar 2023.
“A Conceptual Model of Gender Identity in Digital Consumer Behavior: A Self-Categorization and Identity Signaling Approach,” with Natalia Rogova, HigherEd SIG Special Session, “Doctoral Student Research on The Future Trends in Consumer Behavior.” AMA Winter Academic Conference, Las Vegas, NV, USA, February 2022.
“Emulating Success or Learning from Failure? The Role of Personal Saving Orientation, Implicit Self-Theories, and Peer Persuasion on Financial Behaviors,” with Grazia Pia Palmiotti and Natalia Rogova, in a Special Session, “Money Matters: Consumer Financial Well-being through a Marketing Lens.” AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, February 2020.
“The Role of Personal Saving Orientation, Implicit Self-Theories, and Peer Persuasion on Financial Behaviors,” with Grazia Pia Palmiotti and Natalia Rogova. Frontiers in Service Conference, AMA, Singapore, July 2019.
“How Does Privacy Literacy Affect Consumers’ Online and Offline Behaviors and their Trust in Brands,” Thought Leaders Conference on Privacy in Marketing – Journal of Retailing, Florence, Italy June 2019.
“Parental Choice of Healthy Food for Children: The Role of Social Comparison, Implicit Self-Theories and Social Norms,” with Jens Hogreve, Alexander Hettich and Rebecca Reczek. AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, Austin, TX, February 2019.
“Parental Choice of Healthy Food for Children: The Role of Social Comparison, Implicit Self-Theories and Social Norms,” with Jens Hogreve, Alexander Hettich and Rebecca. Beyond Borders and Boundaries: Bridging Theory and Practice in Creating Social Good, Ashoka U Pre-conference, San Diego, CA, February 2019.
“Hot Data, Cold Trust: The Role of Privacy Literacy in Restoring Trust and Consumer-Brand Relationships” with Nicole Kirpalani and Shanshan Lou. Center for Positive Marketing Annual Conference, New York, NY, February 2019.
“A Tale of Three Cultures: The Effect of Consumers’ Ethnic and Gender Stereotypes on Evaluations of Service Providers and Service Firms,” with Valerie Folkes. Frontiers in Service Conference, AMA, Austin, TX, September 2018.
“Cause and Effect: A Systematic Review of Four Decades of Experimental Research in Service Marketing,” with Jens Hogreve and Kathrin Albrecht. BI-JAMS Thought Leadership Conference on Generalizations in Marketing: Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses, Oslo Norway, June 2018.
“It’s a Three-Dimensional World: Consumers’ Stereotypes of Service Professions Affect Inferences about Service Employees’ Competence and Warmth,” with Jens Hogreve and Hannes Flieischer. Frontiers in Service Conference, AMA, New York, NY, June 2017.
“A Tale of Two Cultures: The Effect of Consumers’ Ethnic and Gender Stereotypes on Evaluations of Service Providers and Service Firms,” with Valerie Folkes. AMA Global Marketing SIG Special Conference, AMA, Havana, Cuba, April 2017.
“Investigating the Effects of Customer Co-production in Service Recovery,” with Nicola Bilstein and Jens Hogreve. Association of Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, Berlin, October 2016.
“Money Matters: Consumer Financial Well-Being,” with Jens Hogreve and Lucas Costanzo. Special Session at SERVSIG Conference, AMA, Maastricht, Netherlands, June 2016.
“Let’s Talk Money: Impulsivity, Social Influence and Consumers’ Saving Behaviors,” with Jens Hogreve and Lucas Costanzo. Frontiers in Service Conference, AMA, San Jose, CA, July 2015.
“Can I Get a Helping Hand? Maybe Not: Understanding Co-production in Service Recovery Processes,” with Nicola Bilstein and Jens Hogreve. AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, San Antonio, TX, February 2015.
“Consumers’ Perceptions of Rating Usefulness for Value and Luxury Services: The Relative Importance of Critics’ and Users’ Ratings,” with Jens Hogreve. Frontiers in Service Conference, AMA, Miami, FL, June 2014.
“Starting within and Going Beyond: Building a Higher Education Brand,” with Ann Hamilton and Lisa Bare. AMA Higher Education Conference, Boston, MA, November 2013.
“When are There Too Many Women? Consumers’ Judgments of Gender in Service Groups,” with Valerie Folkes. Association for Consumer Research (ACR) Conference, Chicago, IL, October 2013.
“Co-production in Service Recovery Processes,” with Jens Hogereve and Nicola Bilstein. European Marketing Academy Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2013.
“Cause and Effect: A Review of Three Decades of Experimental Research in Services Marketing,” with Jens Hogereve and Carsten Reigber. QUIS: International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management, Karlstad, Sweden, June 2013.
“Understanding Co-production in Service Recovery Processes,” with Jens Hogereve and Nicola Bilstein. Frontiers in Service Conference, AMA, Washington D.C., June 2012.
“Consumers’ Lay Theories about Experts’ versus Users’ Opinions of Luxury and Value Brands,” with Raji Srinivasan and Shrihari Sridhar. AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, Austin, TX, February 2011.
“Firm Strategies to Combat Negative Perceptions of Offshored Customer Service,” with Valerie Folkes. AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, Austin, TX, February 2011.
“Consumers’ Evaluations of Competence and Warmth of Service Providers,” with Clay Voorhees and Michael Brady. AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, New Orleans, LA, February 2010.
“Consumers’ Evaluations of Competence and Warmth of Service Providers,” with Clay Voorhees and Michael Brady. Frontiers in Service Conference (AMA), Honolulu, Hawaii, October 2009.
Special Session on ‘A Customer-centric View of Service Encounters’ at the AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, Tampa, FL, February 2009.
“Shame versus Guilt in Consumption: Implications for Healthcare Service Providers,” with Vanessa Patrick and Debbie MacInnis. Frontiers in Service Conference (AMA), Washington D.C., October 2008.
“Offshoring of Customer Service: A View from Multiple Angles.” The Eighth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organizations, Cambridge University, UK, August 2008.
“Consumers’ Perception of Offshored Customer Service,” with Aaron Kunkel. 9th Annual International Business Research Forum, and the 2nd Annual Offshoring Research Network Conference and Workshop, Philadelphia, PA, April 2008.
“Consumers’ Evaluations of Competence and Warmth of Service Providers,” with Clay Voorhees and Michael Brady. AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, Austin, TX, February 2008.
“Perceived Cohesiveness of Service Firms: How Consumers Resolve Inconsistent Service Quality Information,” with Valerie Folkes. AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, Austin, TX, February 2008.
“Consumers’ Perceptions of Offshored Service: Crossover or Crossout?” with Valerie Folkes. Frontiers in Service Conference, San Francisco, CA, October 2007.
“Do Service Employee Labels Communicate Value? Marketing Implications of Innovative Employment Practices in Service Firms,” with Valerie Folkes. Special session on Services Innovation at the AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, San Diego, CA, February 2007.
“Consumers’ Perceptions of Firms Employing Counterstereotypical Service Providers: Making a Case for a Gender Diverse Work Force,” with Valerie Folkes. AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, San Diego, CA, February 2007.
“When Women Lead, do Consumers’ Perceptions of her Firm Follow?” with Valerie Folkes. Special session paper at the Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR), Orlando, FL, September 2006.
“The Role of Implicit Theories in Brand Extendibility” with Eric Yorkston and Joe Nunes. Special session paper at the Association for Consumer Research Conference (ACR), Orlando, FL, September 2006.
“Perception of Firms Employing Counterstereotypical Service Providers: Advantages and Disadvantages of a Gender Diverse Work Force,” with Valerie Folkes. Public Policy and Marketing Conference, Long Beach, CA, June 2006.
“The Consequences of Violating Consumption Norms,” with Debbie MacInnis and Vanessa Patrick. Special session at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, San Antonio, TX, October 2005.
“Counter-stereotypical Service Providers Influence Consumers’ Evaluation of Services,” with Valerie Folkes. Frontiers in Services Conference, Miami, FL, October 2004.
“Perceptions of Gender Counter-Stereotypical Service Providers,” with Valerie Folkes. Working paper session at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Portland, OR, October 2004.
“Through the Looking Glass: How a Brand’s Malleability Mirrors the Self,” with Eric Yorkston. Special session paper at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Portland, OR, October 2004.
“Shame and Guilt in Consumer Behavior,” with Debbie MacInnis and Vanessa Patrick. Special session paper at the Association for Consumer Research Conference, Portland, OR, October 2004.
“Consumers’ Perceptions of Outsourced Service: Crossover or Cross Out?” with Valerie Folkes. 5th Annual Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Conference, Sydney, Australia, August 2004.
“When Women are from Mars and Men from Venus: The Effect of Gender Counter-Stereotypical Employees on Consumers’ Perceptions,” with Valerie Folkes. Working paper session at the Claremont Symposium on Applied Social Psychology, Claremont, CA, April 2004.
“Building Loyalty to the Firm from Information about the Individual Service Provider: How Exceptional Employees Help the Firm,” with Valerie Folkes and George Eapen. AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, February 2004.
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