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[Translate to Englisch:] Colourbox

Taxes for sustainability: How new strategies promote economy and common good

It is a fact that taxes and tax policy are seen as a topic for specialists, but they have an immediate impact on the economy and society as a whole –…

[Translate to Englisch:] Puzzle

Colorful puzzle for commitment in Eichstätt

Following the invitation of the coordination group of the network "Engagierte Stadt Eichstätt” (Committed City of Eichstätt), Mayor Josef Grienberger,…

[Translate to Englisch:] Glazner

Fighting Alzheimer’s with poetry - the full potential of literary therapy

Poetry as medicine, literature as a therapy - these are not ideas taken from utopian dreams, but have become reality in actual care facilities. One…

[Translate to Englisch:] Lastenrad

Laying the groundwork for future sustainability in logistics and mobility

Freight and goods traffic has increased to a degree that it now makes up nearly 30 percent of all the traffic in German cities. “The coronavirus…


Exploiting data responsibly and competently: New Bachelor’s degree program “Data Science”

Students who want to help shape the digital transformation in the decades to come, can get the necessary qualification in the new Bachelor’s degree…


Laying the groundwork for air traffic of the future - KU takes part in Air Mobility Initiative

In order to advance electric air travel, leading businesses, universities and research centers are closing ranks with municipalities and other…

Reutter, Wenzel, Kleinert

Face-lift for star architect’s iconic buildings: KU’s Kollegiengebäude to be renovated

They are one of a kind, unmistakeable architectural icons that dominate the campus of the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU). Karljosef…

[Translate to Englisch:] Colourbox

Factors for getting a foothold in the labor market after a health crisis

What measures help people with health impairments when they want to return to work? What are essential conditions for a successful comeback after…

At the market

Committed to avoiding food waste in the region

Using up food items instead of letting them go to waste - this is the principle, that a foodsharing group in Eichstätt has followed for many years…

[Translate to Englisch:] Colourbox

Family education programs as a contribution to successful integration

What effects do family education programs have on the integration of refugees with children? Dr. Annette Korntheuer, Professor of Basics and Theories…