Final Theses

Interested in a final thesis in the area of logistics or operations mangement?

A thesis can be started at any point in time. The thesis topic can either be one of the currently available topics or, after final topic agreement, your own topic (if you for example have an industrie partner). The focus is on quantitative methods applied to (but not restrited to) the following problem settings:

  • transportation planning
  • tour planning
  • network planning
  • logistics
  • optimization in automtive or other industries

Applications should contain an up-to-date cv and transcript of records and send to pirmin.fontaine(at) Own topics further need to contain an expose indication problem setting, research question and planned methodology.

Currently available topics

Please contact me directly. Currently topics related to current research projects (e.g. urban logstics / future of logistics / mobility concepts) are available. These topics require either knowlege in the area of programming to either implement a heuristic or an MILP. Alternatively, more conceptional topics are possible too.