Doctoral Regulations and Cumulative Doctorate

Doctoral Regulations

Due to the Corona pandemic, oral examinations in the doctoral procedure at the WFI can currently also take place online as a video conference after a justified, informal request by the doctoral candidate to the chair of the doctoral committee (Dean). Details can be found in the Implementation Regulations Oral Examination in the Doctoral Procedure during the Covid-19 Restrictions at the Faculty of Economic Sciences Ingolstadt.

Here you can find the doctoral regulations of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, valid as of December 20, 2017.

On the one hand, the written thesis can be submitted as a monograph. On the other hand, science-oriented candidates can also submit a cumulative doctoral thesis, i.e. in the form of several essays. Here you can find the requirements for a cumulative dissertation.