Searching and Finding

The University Library Eichstätt-Ingolstadt offers you around 2 million printed books and journals, more than 73,000 e-books and over 27,000 e-journals, databases, unique historical holdings, a unique collection on Eichstätt and much more.

Start your literature research via our library catalog OPAC. Find media from the holdings of the University Library Eichstätt-Ingolstadt as well as the Ingolstadt University of Technology and research national and historical holdings. In addition, we offer you access to digital resources such as electronic journals and databases as well as KU's own platforms KU.edoc, KU.opus and

Online Library

Choose your own place and time: Our digital library features a wide range of electronic media, including e-books, e-journals, databases and other online publications – accessible from your own computer.
