“Améfrica Ladina”: the territory as a moving body

Semesterübergreifende Vortragsreihe des Zentralinstituts für Lateinamerikastudien (ZILAS): LATEINAMERIKA IN BEWEGUNG

Prof. Dr. Fernando Resende, Universidade Federal Fluminense

The colonizing project, which founded the territory we know as Latin America, imposes on the territory the condition of exclusion, not because it is outside the system of power that the modern-colonial world establishes as legitimate, but due to the fact of existing within a complex global field of unevenly distributed power relations. Being anchored in the foundations of this system - hence also its name - it is constituted as an ex-centric space, because it is outside the centers of power, of knowledge and of legitimacies in which the interests of the colonizing apparatus are woven. Based on this problem, the aim of this presentation is to think and problematize the decolonial project in Latin America from the perspective of the “leftovers” that constitute it. Its central argument is that the decolonial approach, as a reading key that allows us to think within and beyond the colonialist enterprise, imposes on us the gesture of understanding the "excesses" as the space of the struggle. In this sense, it is necessary not only to think from the catastrophe of being a continent that is born from the expropriation of the body of the other, but also to work towards the incorporation of other knowledges that intersect in the cosmovisions that are also part of the territory. It is from this point of view that we can talk about “Améfrica Ladina” as a moving body.

Fernando Resende ist ist Professor am Department für Media and Cultural Studies der Universidade Federal Fluminense im brasilianischen Bundesstaat Rio de Janeiro.

Im ZILAS spricht Prof. Resende zum Thema "“Améfrica Ladina”: the territory as a moving body" am Donnerstag, 14. Juli, um 16:00 Uhr im Raum WH-112 (im Gebäude Ostenstraße 25). Die Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt.
