Wir alle vom Lehrstuhl für Innovation & Creativity heißen Sie herzlich zum Sommersemester 2024 willkommen! Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie am Campus, in unseren Kursen und bei den vielzähligen Sommeraktivitäten an der WFI zu sehen!
Melden Sie sich in diesem Sommersemester für unsere spannenden Master- und Bachelor-Kurse an, darunter "The Science of Happiness" (Master und Advanced Bachelor), "Innovation & Creativity" (Master) und "Innovating for Sustainability" (Bachelor). Alle Kursbeschreibungen finden Sie unter: https://www.ku.de/en/wfi/business-administration-innovation-and-creativity/teaching
1. Bachelor & Master Course: “The Science of Happiness” (digital course on Zoom)
A Multi-Disciplinary and Multi-Cultural Approach to Happiness and Well-being
(5 ECTS, Studium.Pro Course or an Elective)
Please click here to visit the website ku.de/happiness, and get more information about this course
How can we be happier in our professional and personal lives? Get ready to answer this question in a unique summer semester course, “The Science of Happiness” available to all Master’s students and to advanced Bachelor’s students (those who have completed at least 3 semesters of Bachelor studies). This course examines the science behind happiness and is designed for students who want to understand and implement changes that enhance one’s happiness and well-being. Students will learn from the latest knowledge and practical tools from multiple disciplines (Business, Economics, Psychology, Philosophy, Political Science, Law, Sociology and Theology) on what makes us happy. Students will benefit from 11 visiting international experts on happiness and well-being from Germany, USA, India, Singapore, Sweden, Portugal and Norway. This innovative course is designed to promote happiness, well-being, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence.
Course Instructor: Prof. Dr. Shashi Matta, and Visiting International Experts on Happiness
Format: Virtual Lecture, Fridays from 14:15 to 18:00 with multiple breaks | Zoom
Syllabus for Master´s Course 2024: Click Here
Syllabus for Bachelor´s Course 2024: Click Here
2. Master Course: “Innovation & Creativity in Individuals, Teams, and Organizations”
(5 ECTS, Mandatory Course for ENTRE, Mandatory Elective for MARKT, and Mandatory Elective for Business & Psychology Master’s program)
This Master’s course uses action-based learning and innovative teaching techniques and has been awarded a teaching grant for innovative teaching from KU. This course is designed to disrupt the traditional university lecture model. It has a pioneering format, one that demands “learning by doing.” It combines pedagogical elements of presentations, active dialogue, application through team-based challenges, a nationally competitive open innovation project, experiential learning activities, hands-on creativity workshops, self-learning and assessment, and most importantly - personal and professional growth. Each class session is structured as a “challenge” that students will solve by applying class learnings on innovation and creativity. Students get multiple opportunities to solve real-world cases, meet innovative companies, successful startups, and executives, and will work on a "live" open innovation project in collaboration with a multinational company.
Course Instructor: Maximilian Bauer, M.Sc.
Format: Lecture and Tutorial, Tuesdays from 10:00 to 12:00 and 12:10 to 14:00 | NB-301 and GH
Syllabus for Innovation & Creativity 2024: Click Here
3. Bachelor Course: “Innovating for Sustainability”
(5 ECTS, Mandatory Course for Sustainability in Business & Economics and an Elective)
This course on “Innovating for Sustainability: Frameworks and Practices from Global and Local Organizations“ is designed to teach students frameworks and processes that are aimed at establishing and fostering sustainability-oriented innovation in global and local organizations. Through a focus on sustainable innovation, companies can build more sustainable products, processes and practices that benefit the firm and society.
Course Instructor: Anna Reith, M.Sc.
Format: Lecture and Tutorial, Thursdays from 12:00-14:00 (lecture) and Thursdays 14:15-15:50 (tutorial) | HB-112