Heilige intermedial (Intermedial Saints): objects, forms and practices from a diachronic perspective
This year's winter lecture series at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt is dedicated to Christian saints in text and object studies under the heading ‘Intermedial Saints: Objects, Forms and Practices in a Diachronic Perspective’ and examines the specific mediality and intermedial relationships in forms and practices of representation and veneration.
The focus may be on distinct, intrinsic media (such as relationships between text and image, text and music) as well as more closely related linguistic media (such as in the multimodal interplay of liturgy).
The case studies in the lecture series will have a broad historical focus, ranging from early Christian frescoes, medieval reliquaries and early modern sermons to contemporary dramas and oratorios.
Press review of the winter lecture series:
Our winter lecture series regularly attracts attention in the regional press. The Donaukurier ‘s report on the opening lecture, which summarises the topics and discussions at the opening event, provides an initial insight. Read the article here.
The lecture series is open to the public. Hybrid participation is possible.
The lectures take place on Wednesdays at 18:00 c. t. in Kapuzinergasse 2, room 209 . The room is located on the second floor of the building in the north wing; it can be reached via two entrances and is also barrier-free. If you need a lift, you will find it on the right-hand side at the end of the corridor after entering the building.
To register for digital participation, please send an e-mail to wintervortragsreihe(at)ku.de, you will then receive a Zoom link within the next days.
Alternatively, you can follow the event in a live stream on YouTube. Please note that the stream may not be visible until the start of the lecture.
Finally, please note that we are only recording the lecture for the stream - the broadcast will end at the end of the public discussion round, so it will not be possible to watch the lecture afterwards. Thank you for your understanding!
The exercise for the winter lecture series will take place in presence and will be organized and led by Cora-Luisa Späth.
Thursdays, 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Room UH-118
The series is sponsored by the Faculty of Languages and Literatures as well as:
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