Centers for Advanced Studies

Wetterstation der KU

With the foundation of two research centers for advanced studies, the KU systematically supports outstanding fundamental research at the university.

These research groups are particularly concerned with strengthening, interdisciplinary networking and the further development of research on topics that form the KU's profile. A special focus is on the active promotion of early-career researchers,

KU Center for Advanced Studies ‘Dialogical Cultures’

The  KU Center for Advanced Studies "Dialogical Cultures" is an internationally oriented center for the promotion of cultural and social science research at the University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. It enables and strengthens academic exchange beyond the narrowly defined subject boundaries, from doctoral, post-doc and habilitation projects to research by established colleagues.

Speakers of the Center: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Schmidt (American Studies) and Prof. Dr. Robert Schmidt (Process-Oriented Sociology)

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KU Center for Advanced Studies ‘Natural Sciences - Human and Nature’

The research center for advanced studies ‘Natural Sciences - Human and Nature’ is a research institution of the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.

The focus of the college is on the promotion of interdisciplinary basic research in the scientific and experimental fields at the KU. This includes physical geography, general and clinical psychology, applied mathematics and parts of linguistics. It is intended to promote scientific exchange between the members and to bring scientists closer together who apply similar approaches to research in terms of content and methodology and who work in disciplines with a similar subject culture.

Speakers of the Center: Prof. Dr. Michael Becht (Physical Geography) and Prof. Dr. Marco Steinhauser (General Psychology)

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