Success factors in Marketing

Erfolgsfaktoren des Marketing

- Authors: Prof. Dr. Katja Gelbrich and Prof. em. Dr. Stefan Müller
- 3rd Edition, 2024
- Approx. 276 pages: softcover

How to order:

You can order the book from the publisher's website.

Supplementary material:

- Glossary with technical terms
- Additional chapter: "Lines of development in marketing" (from 1st Edition)
- Additional chapter: "Information acquisition" (from 1st Edition)


Much has changed in marketing since the 2nd edition of this textbook was published. The new developments are driven by artificial intelligence, big data analytics and social media. As a result of this technological revolution, digital marketing is playing an increasingly important role. The fundamentally revised and updated 3rd edition takes this into account and discusses the effects of digitalization on the marketing mix and its success factors: for example, AI-based product development in product policy, pay-per-use in pricing policy, augmented reality in distribution policy as well as digital assistants, virtual influencers and #booktok in communication policy.

In addition, we have further emphasized the close relationship between marketing and business psychology. The topics of consumer behavior and product, pricing, distribution, and communication policy are each covered in two chapters: a basic chapter, which as before examines the classical economic perspective, and an additional in-depth chapter, which introduces the basics and extensions of business psychology. There we describe psychologically explainable phenomena such as nudging, social listening, viral seeding or the boomerang or illusory truth effect, which help companies to understand the needs of their consumers and based on these, how to successfully market their offerings.

From the content:
- Development phases of marketing
- Strategic marketing
- Fundamentals and psychology of consumer behavior
- Fundamentals and psychology of product policy
- Fundamentals and psychology of pricing policy
- Fundamentals and psychology of distribution policy
- Fundamentals and psychology of communication policy