Media information

[Translate to Englisch:] Studycheck

Nationwide comparison confirms excellent conditions: KU once more voted most popular university in Germany

For the second year running, the student portal has voted the KU “Most popular university in Germany”. In addition, the nationwide…

[Translate to Englisch:] Aquarium 1

Tropical colony in the Jura Museum: New aquarium for Bavaria’s largest coral reef

Visitors at the Jura Museum in the Willibaldsburg in Eichstätt can once again marvel at the coral reef, unrivaled in Bavaria in its huge size and…


Study on the perception of grief: KU psychologists launch public survey

How do people see other persons grieving? What advice would they offer those affected and when would they recommend seeking professional help? These…

[Translate to Englisch:] Colourbox

From addiction to employment: Linking medical and vocational rehabilitation more closely

Alcoholism and unemployment lead to a vicious circle: If you are unemployed, you are more likely to fall prey to an addiction - and if you are…

[Translate to Englisch:] Garten

Systematically developing sustainability: KU publishes new sustainability report

Ten years ago, the KU adopted its first sustainability concept. “No other university in Germany reports on its activities in so much detail and so…


KU sets international service-learning impulses at universities

The underlying principle of “service-learning” is combining academic studies with non-profit engagement and reflecting on gained experience together…


KU Chancellor Thomas Kleinert to become Malteser’s CFO

A personnel change is imminent within the University Management of the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt: KU Chancellor Thomas Kleinert will…

[Translate to Englisch:] Colourbox

Trusting in AI in medicine

The use of artificial intelligence in medicine offers new ways for making more precise diagnoses and relieving doctors from routine tasks. How well do…

[Translate to Englisch:] Taraneh Ghanooni Arani, DAAD-Preisträgerin 2021

“Helping others also helps me”: Taraneh Ghanooni Arani awarded DAAD prize

Taraneh Ghanooni Arani is pursuing bachelor’s studies in Applied Musicology and Music Education and knows the challenges one faces when trying to hold…

[Translate to Englisch:] Colourbox

How digitalization should change the way we see classroom education

Remote learning during the pandemic has once more led to a discussion of the chances that might lie in a greater digitalization of classroom teaching.…