For refugee students and students at risk, there are two options for studying at the KU :
Please find the relevant information below.
The recognition process for academic achievements gained abroad often takes very long. Usually, students enroll in the first semester and then have their academic credits checked for recognition at the KU. Depending on the decision, the students will then be placed in a higher semester. More information on the topic of academic recognition is available here.
Below you will find information about scholarship programs as well as funding opportunities on behalf of the KU and other organizations.
Through the project “Future Ukraine - Scholarships for Refugees from Ukraine at the KU", the Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt) offers refugee students from Ukraine the perspective of completing their studies in a safe place and at a committed university that has been cooperating closely with Ukraine and various Ukrainian partners in Germany and Ukraine for many years.
For more information, please visit this page.
Students from Ukraine who are still enrolled at a Ukrainian university or have completed their studies there in the last 12 months and enroll at the KU either as an exchange student/free mover or degree seeking student
For more information, please visit this page.
After the summer semester 2023, applications are no longer possible until further notice.
The International Office of the KU awards scholarships for international students. More information is available here.
Scholarship program of the DAAD
With this scholarship program, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) uses funds from the Federal Foreign Office (AA) to support students and doctoral candidates at risk worldwide who have no formal or de facto right to education in their country of origin. They are to be supported in taking up or continuing their studies in Germany in order to obtain a degree or doctorate from a German university. More information is available at the DAAD's website.
Further information about the nomination procedure can be found here.
Funding of highly qualified Ukrainian graduates (Master's students), doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers for short research stays in Germany in order to strengthen cooperation between Ukrainian and German universities and to give young Ukrainian scientists access to research infrastructures in Germany. The aim of the programme is to support universities in Ukraine and to enable young scientists to contribute to the reconstruction of Ukraine and its science landscape. More information is available at the DAAD's website.
The Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) supports students for bachelor, master and doctoral studies. Refugees whose asylum application has not yet been decided cannot apply. More information is availabel on the KAS website.
The Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) welcomes applications from refugees - both for Bachelor and Master Studies and for a PhD.
The Heinrich Böll Foundation invites refugees to apply for scholarships. More information is available on the website of the Heinrich Böll Foundation.
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