
Current Projects


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“The Public Sphere in Agony” – Re-Thinking the Dialogical, Performative Assembly, and Civic Culture

International interdisciplinary conference
KU Center for Advanced Studies "Dialogical Cultures"
Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
23-25 June 2022

Projects of KU CAS Members

Plutarch's Moralia

PD Dr. Anna Ginestí Rosell

The rhetoric of breaking rules: successful against the norms / Theory and text – Modern literary and cultural approaches and ancient literature

Prof. Dr. Verena Schulz

Archipelagos 2.0. – Online-Archive and Cultural Memory in the Caribbean

Prof. Dr. Miriam Lay Brander

Conflict and Dialogue in Frontera Spaces: Araucania and Putumayo

Prof. Dr. Thomas Fischer

Constitutive Exploitation

Dr. Basil Wiesse

Dialogues and Their Disturbances under Nero

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Nadin Burkhardt
in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Michael Rathmann (assoc. researcher)

Dialogues of the Media: Intermedial Reflexivity in Contemporary Literature and Film

Prof. Dr. Isabelle Stauffer

Dialogicity in Post- and Decolonial Art. Debates Around International Major Exhibitions since 1989

Prof. Dr. Michael F. Zimmermann

Ein Humanist beim Aktenstudium: Albrecht von Eyb (1420-1475) als Rechtsgelehrter (A Humanist Studying His Files: Albrecht von Eyb (1420-1475) as a Judicial Scholar)

Prof. Dr. Thomas Wetzstein

Hagiography and Literary Communication in Late Antiquity

Prof. Dr. Bardo M. Gauly

Intersubjective Recognition from the Perspective of Social Epistemology

Prof. Dr. Krassimir Stojanov

Languages and Cultures in Contact in Brazil: Language Minorities with Bohemian and Bavarian Migration Background in Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kürschner

Locating the Border

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Schmidt
Prof. Dr. Robert Schmidt


Negotiations of the Everyday: Dialogue Cultures (in) Genre Painting and the Emergence of the Social-analytical Gaze (1560-1800)
Dr. Dominik Brabant
"Strong Teachers, Strong Students“: Pilot Project for Advancing Pedagogical Competency in the Confrontation with Anti-Democratic Positions
Prof. Dr. Rico Behrens

Traveling Places: The Cultural Episteme of Places and Relations in the US

Nicole Schneider, M.A.

“Zwischen-las-lenguas is where I stand": In-between Spaces as Spaces of Dialogue in the Italophone and Francophone Contemporary Novel

Prof. Dr. Barbara Kuhn


if you wish to learn more about an individual research project, whose description is only available in German, please feel free to contact forschungskolleg-dialogkulturen(at)ku.de.