Plural society – diverse journalism?

A qualitative survey among journalists and influencers on the integration potential of media communication

Project description

Charta der Vielfalt
Charta der Vielfalt e.V.

Epistemic interest and research question:

When taking a look at the journalistic discussion of plurality and the representation of minorities, it is above all culturalizing, heteronormative and partly discriminatory discourses that have persisted over decades. Media coverage is the result of professional journalism, which, however, does not adequately take into account the reality of a diverse post-migrant society in terms of topics covered and staff structure. For example, people with migration backgrounds, disabilities, non-binary gender identities and non-heterosexual orientations (LGBTIQ) are underrepresented in German newsrooms. While diversity is considered normatively desirable in many places, in reality it is all too often mere lip service.

The project on the diversity of (journalistic) media communication approaches its object of investigation from the perspective of publicity theory and puts the concept of media integration to the test. Against the backdrop of the pluralization of media offerings in digital public spheres, the study focuses on the creation of diversity-sensitive media makers in Germany. Based on qualitative interviews, the project analyzes which goals and strategies journalists and activist media makers associate with the topic of diversity.

The project examines the following questions:

  • What self-perception and goals shape the actions of diversity-sensitive media makers?
  • To what extent do diversity-sensitive offers differ from traditional mass media formats in terms of their content design and involved staff?
  • What role does the digital public play in this process and what impact does it have? What contribution can diversity-sensitive journalism make to an inclusive public sphere?
  • To what extent does the potentially political-activist claim collide with the neutrality requirement of journalism in diversity-sensitive formats?


Fifteen qualitative interviews were conducted with the creators of media offers that address the following four dimensions of diversity: ethnic diversity, impairment, LGBTIQ, and feminism. Within the framework of an explorative study design, the guided interviews aimed to capture as many facets as possible of the diversity of offers in this field, which is strongly influenced by public and digital media. The sample group includes editorial offices of established media as well as social media formats with and without institutional ties to journalism.

Project duration:

04/2021 to 12/2021

Tanja Evers
Dr. Tanja Evers
Research Associate ZFM - Head of Research
Building Marktplatz 13  |  Room: MP13-103