Refugee Woman in Media

Project description

credit to the photographer "Gerd Altmann / pixabay"
credit to the photographer "Gerd Altmann / pixabay"

Epistemic interest and research questions:

Migration and flight are among the most controversially discussed issues in politics and the public sphere and are key topics for the media agenda. Media coverage affect public perceptions and opinions. Therefore, the way in which the topics around migrants and refugees are reported on influences how they are perceived by the public and whether and how their concerns and needs are taken into account in the public agenda.

Media presentation in the context of migration and flight often focuses on problems and migrants and refugees are usually underrepresented in reporting. Their concerns and the realities of their everyday life are thus hidden and they often appear only in the form of (negative) stereotypes. This is especially true for female refugees; they are even less visible compared to male refugees. Coverage also often focuses on images of passive, dependent, and vulnerable women who are considered to be in need of special protection.

The situation is similar with scientific studies on media representations in the context of flight and migration. A gender-analytic perspective is rarely included and there is little evidence to date on the representation of female refugees. In addition, comprehensive comparative analyses as well as longitudinal studies carried out over longer periods of time have still not been conducted to date. The reception and impact of media representations are also less frequently in the focus of such analyses.

The project therefore examines, on the one hand, media representation of female refugees in the period between 2011 and 2021. A longitudinal study will provide insight into the number and content representation of female refugees in the reporting of the five most used international news channels in Europe based on their YouTube channels (CNN, BBC News, Al Jazeera English, Sky News, Deutsche Welle News). The central research question is: How are female refugees portrayed in international media reports? In addition, it will be investigated how YouTube users react to these representations. The study approaches the following question: What is the prevailing mood/emotion in the comments on each video?

The findings of these analyses will then be discussed and reflected upon together with female refugees. The focus will be on their perceptions, opinions and wishes with regard to media coverage of female refugees in order to formulate recommendations for media professionals.

Project design and method:

Using an automated process, the video information (descriptions, transcripts, comments, likes, etc.) is captured and interpreted in the context of the course of time through a combination of automated processes (topic modeling and sentiment analysis) and manual coding (quantitative content analysis). Topic modeling provides information on the topic areas that are reported on in connection with female refugees. Sentiment analysis, on the other hand, allows researchers to make statements regarding the tone and emotions in the video posts and the comments of the users on the video content.

This is then compared to the realities of female refugee’s everyday lives in Germany based on the results of two qualitative group discussions held with women refugees.

Project duration:



Mensch in Bewegung