WFI’s Women and Equal Opportunity Officers

Eva Wack und Natalia Rogova (v. l.), die Gleichstellungsbeauftragten der KU in Ingolstadt, zeigen sich glücklich über das neue Angebot.
Eva Wack and Natalia Rogova (from left), KU Ingolstadt's women and equality opportunity officers until 2023, provided free menstrual products on the WFI campus.

The Women's and Equal Opportunity Officers pay attention to the avoidance of disadvantages for female and male scientists, female and male lecturers and students. They support the university in the performance of its task to enforce the actual equality of women and men and to consider it as a guiding principle.

Free Menstrual Products on WFI Campus: WFI students, staff and faculty ow benefit from free menstrual products that are made available in wooden boxes with a red sticker in the women's restrooms. This was an important initiative for WFI’s Women and Equal Opportunity Officers. They underscore the importance of not treating menstrual products as luxuries that some students may not afford and address the importance of supporting students who are surprised by their period and do not have pads or tampons on hand.

WFI's Current Women and Equal Opportunity Officers

Johannes Kellner
Johannes Kellner M.Sc.
Research Associate
Lena Schön
Lena Schön MSc
Research Assistant and PhD-Student

WFI Student Organization Dedicated to Diversity: empowerIN

Am Diversity Day setzte sich empowerIN für ein diverses Netzwerk ein.
On WFI's Diversity Day 2022, empowerIN advocated for a diverse network.

In March 2021, a new student organization called “empowerIN – the diverse network” was established. Its goal is to build a network for students and WFI stakeholders with diverse backgrounds. The organization promotes diversity, equality, inclusion, and tolerance by hosting events and workshops as well as advocating for these goals in everyday student life, lectures, and faculty bodies. The group wants to raise awareness for issues of inequality arising from gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, social background, disabilities, and appearances, and their intersections as well as other issues in the context of diversity. Its work so far includes a manual for diverse teaching and an event with a guest speaker on the intersection of gender, identity and immigration background in the financial sector. In the upcoming semesters, the organization aims to provide further education and insights into topics related to diversity for the empowerment of persons within and outside the organization. EmpowerIN is led by an all-female board and has flat hierarchies that enable democratic decision-making, reflecting the organization’s values of equality and transparency.


Gender & Diversity Talk Series

A new “series of talks on gender and diversity” launched in 2020/21 provides a platform to discuss topics that are important for women in their everyday life at our faculty, as well as for their further professional career. The focus is on a regular exchange of knowledge with speakers from a wide variety of fields, but also to facilitate networking and exchange. In 2020/21, the “Female Entrepreneurship Workshop”, featuring facilitators from CellUnite GmbH, CreaTech GmbH, and Uncap GmbH, highlighted the significance of female entrepreneurs in shaping sustainable futures. The discussion explored the distinctiveness of female leadership, the importance of female entrepreneurs in uncertain times, and motivations for starting one’s own business. More recently, “Women in Science Workshop”, where Prof. Dominika Langenmayr, Prof. Kathrin Schlemmer, Dr. Magdalena Schönweitz discussed about challenges faced by women in research. Topics included support for young female researchers, addressing discrimination in academia, and strategies for women to thrive in research.

KU's Equal Opportunity Concept

With this equality concept, the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt presents for the first time a paper that specifically focuses on the equality of women and men in the scientific and science-supporting area and formulates concrete equality policy goals and measures.