Psychological Counseling and Support for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses

Psychological Counseling

Students at the KU and WFI have access to the Psychological-Psychotherapeutic Advisory Office, a valuable resource supported by the Studentenwerk Erlangen-Nürnberg and the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. This office provides assistance for a wide range of challenges that students may encounter, including academic difficulties, examination-related stress, stress management, interpersonal issues, eating disorders, addiction inquiries (such as nicotine, alcohol, and internet dependency), feelings of isolation, depression, guilt, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, and psychosomatic ailments.

Support for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses

The Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt is part of the project "a university for all". We strive to offer you, as a student with disabilities and permanent or temporary chronic illnesses, support on many levels so that you can overcome barriers and achieve your study goals.

Additionally, the KU maintains a dedicated representative for disabled persons. This representative serves as a point of contact for students facing disabilities, including wheelchair users, individuals with mobility or visual impairments, and those with language, writing, or learning difficulties. Students can seek advice on matters related to their studies, examinations, or any other concerns. The Representative for Students with Disabilities ensures that any potential disadvantages faced by these students are mitigated. Moreover, the representative provides guidance to university committees, institutes, and faculties to enhance the academic environment, allowing students with disabilities and chronic illnesses to effectively pursue and complete their studies. Suggestions and applications aimed at addressing challenges faced by students with disabilities are forwarded to the relevant university authorities for consideration and action.

Akad. Dir. Dr. Renate Hackel-de Latour
Officer for Students with Disabilities, Chronic Illnesses and Impairments at the KU
Room: WH-008
Postal Address
Ostenstraße 25
85072 Eichstätt
Office hours
by appointment