[Translate to Englisch:] Eubis
[Translate to Englisch:] Fribis

European Basic Income Scheme (EUBIS)

The EUBIS research team is developing a proposal for a European-level Basic Income scheme. The aim is to strengthen solidarity within the European Union and to equalize living conditions within Europe. The fiscal cost as well as the effects on income distribution of a pan-European transfer will be empirically assessed using EU-SILC data (EU-SILC = European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions) and microsimulation techniques.

The idea of a Universal Basic Income at the European level was developed by Philippe Van Parjis in 2013. While Van Parjis’ proposal aims at distributing the economic gains of the introduction of the euro fairly among the participating countries, the goal of our model is to strengthen solidarity within the European Union and to equalize living conditions in Europe. As the Corona and energy crises have shown, the countries of the European Union are highly interdependent not only in economic but also in social terms. It is therefore obvious to conceptualize social security systems in a common context as well.

The goal of the EUBIS project is to develop a robust projection that can serve as a basis for the introduction of a European Basic Income Model.

More Informations to Fribis and the research team:
