Digital and Data-Driven Business

Bachelor of Science
Semester fee
78 Euro
Start of the program
Winter semester
Standard length of the program
6 Semester
Place of study
Part-time studies possible
Digital & Data-Driven Business (D3B) – a future-oriented degree program on data analytics and digitalization

A rapid digital transformation process is currently taking place across all sectors (industry, services, trade), company sizes (small, medium-sized and large enterprises) and operational functional areas (marketing, financing, accounting, supply chain management, etc.). All areas of business and society are increasingly characterized by networked information systems, data analysis methods, and artificial intelligence algorithms.

The newly developed degree program in “D3B” focuses on this development with the forward-looking combination of data analytics and digitalization. Within the scope of the study program, you will acquire methodological and problem-solving skills. This will enable you to successfully engage in digital transformation processes in a company or start-up enterprise. The design and management of relevant business models will also be part of your skill portfolio.

By choosing an individual study focus, you will expand your knowledge even further through acquisition of specific business administration knowledge. In digital team-oriented projects during your studies, you will also learn to combine subject-specific theoretical knowledge with methodological skills in a practical context. With companies increasingly taking these hands-on skills for granted, this gives you a clear advantage when getting your career off the ground.

Target group

The “D3B” degree program is aimed at all those who want to combine their interest in data processing, analytical and optimization methods with digital business models and business systems and a substantiated training in economics. One goal of the Bachelor’s degree program is to enable direct entry into extremely future-oriented professional fields but also paving the way for deepening the students’ training further in an attractive, advanced Master’s degree program.

The program in detail


Distribution of modules (in german)

The Bachelor’s degree program in D3B provides the relevant subject-specific and methodological knowledge and imparts application-oriented skills that are required when designing, operating and controlling digital and data-driven business systems. The program therefore combines the following four fundamental areas of study:

  • Information processing systems, programs and methods
  • Economics with a focus on the digital economy
  • Quantitative methods, mathematics and statistics
  • Language, social, communication and decision-making skills (soft skills) and ethics

The interdisciplinary orientation of the degree program connects these four scientific fields that are all represented in the focus of the program to the same extent. It is this well-balanced composition in particular that sets the “D3B” program apart from alternative degree programs at other universities such as “Business Informatics” or “Digital Economics”, which generally focus on only one or very few subject areas.


The standard length of the program is six semesters. Students acquire a total of 180 ECTS credits that are distributed between a required area, a required elective area and an elective area as well as a “Digital Project” module and the Bachelor’s thesis.

Program structure (semesters 1 - 3)

The first three semesters of the “D3B” program offer fundamental subject-specific and methodological modules imparting essential digital, data-analytical and problem-solving skills as well as application-oriented approaches already at an early stage during your studies:

  • Information processing systems, programs and methods
  • Economics with a focus on the digital economy
  • Quantitative methods, mathematics and statistics
  • Language, social, communication and decision-making skills (soft skills) and ethics

These modules cover contents from the fields of business administration, economics and digital business, data science and information management, quantitative methods, business languages, culture and society as well as business and corporate ethics.

Program structure (semesters 4 - 6)

Students now combine their skills acquired during the first study phase with subject-specific practical knowledge in semesters 4 - 6 by choosing a business administration study profile. In this way, students learn to use and apply the acquired digital and data analysis skills in specific problem situations in their chosen field of specialization in business administration. In addition, this program section offers compatible advanced methodological courses in the field of digitalization and data analytics.

A semester abroad can also be completed within the second study phase. Depending on the study offer, students can bring in comparable modules that they have successfully completed at universities in Germany or abroad (e.g. at one of the partner universities).

Students can choose between the following study profiles:
[Translate to Englisch:] Accounting, Taxation & Controlling
[Translate to Englisch:] Accounting, Taxation & Controlling
[Translate to Englisch:] Finance & Economics
[Translate to Englisch:] Finance & Economics
[Translate to Englisch:] Marketing, Organization, Innovation
[Translate to Englisch:] Marketing, Organization, Innovation
[Translate to Englisch:] Supply Chain Management & Logistics
[Translate to Englisch:] Supply Chain Management & Logistics
Overview and degree program structure

75 ECTS credits – required area

In the required area, students have to acquire 75 ECTS credits that are distributed as follows:

  • 25 ECTS credits in Business Administration and Digital Business
  • 20 ECTS credits in Information Management
  • 20 ECTS credits in Quantitative Methods
  • 10 ECTS credits in Economics

55 ECTS credits – required elective area

In the required elective area, students complete 55 ECTS credits from the following fields:

  • “Digitalization & Analytics“ (D&A)
    (modules worth 25 ECTS credits)
    The required elective area “Digitalization & Analytics“ (D&A) (available in german) comprises a catalog of modules that directly build on previous basic studies in the field and focus on data analysis and quantitative methods and concepts as well as on digital business models and systems. The modules of the D&A required elective area provide students with a substantiated understanding and fundamental skills in the field of digital and data-driven business and, in this context, simultaneously allow students to set their individual focus.
  • “Data Competence“
    (at least one module worth 5 ECTS credits)
    The required elective area “Data Competence“  (available in german) teaches fundamentals for dealing with data and data-driven or statistical methods that go beyond the basic studies and are particularly relevant for further studies in the selected profile area.
  • “Application Competence“
    (at least one module worth 5 ECTS credits)
    The required elective area “Application Competence“ (available in german) contains basic modules on the individual business subject areas and thus supports the choice of a study profile that can be completed in the required elective or elective area.
  • “Business Language and Management Skills”
    (modules worth 10 ECTS credits)
    The required elective area “Business Language and Management Skills” (available in german) imparts language and intercultural skills. Furthermore, students learn to apply presentation, moderation and communication techniques.
  • “Business and Corporate Ethics“
    (5 ECTS credits)
    The required elective area “Business and Corporate Ethics“ (available in german) provides a basic understanding of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the individuals operating within it. Students learn to recognize ethical problems on a social and corporate level, to analyze them adequately, to develop problem solutions and to apply them independently to equivalent situations.
  • “Studium.Pro“
    (5 ECTS credits)
    The “Studium.Pro“ area offers students the opportunity to explore current and, above all, socially relevant questions and problems in an interdisciplinary context beyond the subject-related content of their study program. Reflecting on the contents of this area can be an essential stimulus for the subject-related project work and final theses. The catalyst effect of the “Studium.Pro” area provides for added value in the study program.

Please refer to the respectively applicable examination regulations (available in german) for explanations regarding the distribution of ECTS credits between the different required elective areas.

30 ECTS credits – elective area

In the elective area, students must successfully complete at least 30 ECTS credits from the entire WFI teaching program or comparable modules from other universities in Germany or abroad.

If students select modules worth at least 30 ECTS credits from within a specific study profile in the required elective or elective area, then the successful completion of the study profile is recorded on the certificate. The program offers the following study profiles:

  • Accounting, Controlling & Taxation (ideal program structure)
  • Finance & Economics (ideal program structure)
  • Marketing, Organization, Innovation (ideal program structure)
  • Supply Chain Management & Logistics (ideal program structure)

Admissible modules for the respective study profiles are stipulated in the examination regulations (available in german).

10 ECTS credits – project work

In the context of the digital project work (Digital Project), a team of students will work on a current research topic or a project based on corporate practice that can also be carried out in collaboration with a company. The “Digital Project” offers students the opportunity to apply their knowledge gained so far in the field of digitalization and data analysis in a specific practical project context.

10 ECTS credits – Bachelor’s thesis

The Bachelor’s thesis enables students to approach a specific course-related question in detail and depth at the end of their studies. The research question can be formulated primarily in a theory-based manner or, similar to the digital project work, can be based on a specific practical question or even be investigated directly in cooperation with the professional practice.

The program in awards and rankings for WFI

The degree programs offered by the Ingolstadt School of Management (WFI) regularly score top positions in popular university rankings.

  • Top positions in Trendence Graduate Baromenter 2017
  • CHE Ranking: WFI was awarded top ranking in categories “teaching offer”, “completion of programs within reasonable time period” and “students overall”
  • Top rankings in 'Logistik Masters' 2016, 2017

Rankings and assessments


KU students and alumni have voted for their University to be Germany's most popular university in the 2024 ranking of the online portal StudyCheck. This is the third time in a row, as KU was also voted the most popular university in 2021 and 2022. The ranking was based on over 78,000 evaluations for more than 500 higher education institutions and universities. 97 percent of students questioned for the ranking would recommend studying at the KU to others. 

"There is no better praise for a university than almost 100 percent of students and alumni agreeing: I can only recommend studying at the KU! That is why we are very pleased with the ranking’s outcome, because it expresses the high level of satisfaction of our students," says KU President Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gien.

More ranking results

Internationalization and studying abroad

International study program

An international comparison shows that the development, framework conditions and approaches to digital transformation differ considerably in the individual countries and regions of the world. However, digitalization, data collection and data analysis are far less limited by national borders than is often the case, for example, with material goods. It is therefore a particular concern of the degree program to analyze, discuss and reflect on the issues of digitalization, data collection and data analysis as well as the handling of big data in an international context. This is ensured by the following offers and concepts of the program:

Business language

The degree program includes the required elective area “Business Language and Management Skills”. Within the framework of two modules (worth 10 ECTS credits), students will acquire knowledge of a business language with the corresponding intercultural skills. These modules lay the foundation for students to be able to exchange knowledge and operate in an international context.

In the elective area of semesters four, five and six, students have the possibility to take a further business language and thus expand their foreign language and intercultural skills beyond the required part of the program.

Semester abroad

Students have the possibility to complete part of their studies abroad. Semester five is particularly suitable for this, as no specific modules have been assigned to this particular semester, taking the fact into account that these could potentially only be studied abroad with considerable effort. In organizing the semester abroad, students benefit from the large number of partner universities of the KU and the faculty that provide a broad range of very suitable study programs. 

Detailed information about the stay abroad can be found on the pages of the International Office

Courses taught in English

The study program includes a diverse range of English-language modules. This means that also international students with no knowledge of German can also easily participate in these courses – a fact that gives all participants the opportunity to discuss and reflect on issues of digitalization and data analysis in an international exchange. Furthermore, numerous courses of the program explicitly focus on international aspects of the respective topics areas.

International guest lectures

The program’s course offer is complemented by presentations of international visiting professors. This perspective allows students to learn about specific aspects of digitalization in other countries and cultural regions.

International research projects

In the context of the “Digital Project”, students get the opportunity to participate in international research projects of the respective chairs. This gives students direct insights into the challenges and opportunities of digitalization and data collection and evaluation at an international level.

When allocating group work, lecturers of the program pay particular attention to a diverse international composition of teams to ensure that students from different cultural areas work together as a team.

Partner universities

Our students are at home in Ingolstadt and in the world: Multilingual degree programs and a unique network of more than 90 partner universities worldwide make the WFI a global campus with an international study atmosphere. The vast majority of our students (approx. 90%) are enthusiastic about spending one or even several semesters at one of our renowned international partner universities. Irrespective of where you would like to spend your semester abroad: North America or Asia, Australia, South America or Europe – we have the perfect program for you.

Practical connection

Project work

The “Digital Project” is explicitly designed for students to learn how to deal with and approach practice-related, digital and/or data-driven problems. In addition, the required elective and elective part of the degree program as well as the individual study profiles include further project-based courses, for example in the framework of the “Digital Seminar in Data Science & Quantitative Applications”.

In addition, the degree program is designed in such a way that students have the opportunity to complete internships. Module examinations are therefore offered in two periods per semester (to the exception of innovative examination types) in order to allow students individual and flexible planning of internships during the lecture-free period.

Comprehensive practical training is also ensured by involving lecturers and guest lectures from the practical professional field. The guest lectures can either be part of the regular courses or are held on separate dates in the semester calendar. In addition, students have the opportunity to participate in projects and workshops that are offered jointly with companies and often deal with job-related tasks in the context of digital and/or data-driven problems.

Corporate contacts & soft skills

At WFI, students have many opportunities to put what they have learned into practice. Thanks to collaborations with leading companies and organizations in many different fields, the KU is able to offer excellent prospects when it comes to finding internships and starting a career in Germany or abroad. Additional networking opportunities are provided by our University’s career fair “Company Day” and many other recruiting events, company presentations and various workshops.

However, studying at the WFI is more than ‘just’ learning. Most students are active in different student organizations. Like this, they continuously hone their soft skills and can exchange views with students from other disciplines. The “WFI spirit” means outstanding commitment.

Career possibilities and professional fields

Opportunities for further qualification

In the course of their studies, graduates are qualified for further Master’s studies in the field of business informatics or business administration, or, in case of a corresponding module selection, in economics or other degree programs. 

A postgraduate Master’s degree program at WFI, e.g. in the program “Business Administration” with a focus on BA&OR, FACT, ENTRE and MARKET or in the “Taxation” program is possible without restrictions. 

In general, Master’s degree programs that focus on information processing and data analysis methods and/or on the development and design of digital business models are considered as particularly suitable.

Labor market situation and professional fields

As a result of the digital transformation process, there is an ongoing need for well-trained graduates for digitalization projects and tasks, which in particular also require intelligent handling of large volumes of data. With the opportunities and requirements in the field of digitalization, the number of jobs and job profiles in this area is growing. According to LinkedIn, the top 15 job profiles of the future include: AI specialist, customer success specialist, data consultant, IT security specialist and digital product manager.

Digital challenges posed by technologies (such as the Internet of Things, virtual reality or mobile devices), new data analysis processes (machine learning, artificial intelligence) and a change in customer behavior currently lead to a radical upheaval in the business models of many companies. In order to be able to understand, evaluate, profitably design and implement digital solutions and business models, both established organizations and start-up companies must overcome the key challenges of automation, cooperation, agility and innovation. These require integrative thinking and action based on the understanding and knowledge of information systems, data analytics and the digital economy as well as business contexts and interconnections.

The contents of the degree program in “Digital & Data-Driven Business” are grounded in these challenges and developments. Like this, the program is able to offer its students training that prepares them for a diverse range of tasks and positions in the industry and in public and non-profit institutions.

The KU

Ingolstadt campus

Short distances on campus at the KU save time and avoid stress. The campus in Ingolstadt, home to the Ingolstadt School of Management (WFI), consists of the Main Building and the New Building, separated by a peaceful courtyard. The ample green spaces on the Ingolstadt campus invite students to enjoy their surroundings outside during lecture breaks and meet fellow students. If you prefer to spend your breaks in town running errands, Ingolstadt’s city center is just a few minutes’ walk away. Other faculty buildings are the Studierendenhaus and the Hohe Schule that was home to the first Bavarian state university in the 15th century.

What sets the KU apart - in IN

[Translate to Englisch:] Studierende Ingolstadt

Studying at the KU is more than just acquiring specialist knowledge. We broaden our horizons together and take on responsibility in and beyond the individual degree programs. The KU has a particular focus on topics such as personal development, sustainability, social skills and social commitment.

It offers its students the possibility to study and work in a welcoming atmosphere and benefit from outstanding support and comprehensive service offers, a well-stocked library, a broad range of sports and leisure activities and a large global network with over 260 partner universities.

Do I have to be Catholic in order to study at the KU? Do I have to deal with Catholic contents during my studies?

No, the KU is open to students of all faiths and beliefs.

At the KU, just as at all state universities, there is freedom of research and teaching. This means that our degree programs focus on the subjects for which you have enrolled – free from external influences.

As a student at our University, you will notice what our understanding of being a Catholic University means for us in one thing in particular: The University’s focus is on the individual person. The talents and potential of all those who teach, study, work and carry out research at the KU form our most important foundation – regardless of their religion or beliefs, nationality, ethical, cultural or social background, disabilities, gender, sexual orientation or age.

This is why we promote your best possible academic education through personal support and an ideal staff-to-student ratio. At the same time, the KU is more than just a place for earning your degree: We attach particular importance to imparting social skills and advancing our students’ sense and value orientation in addition to providing them with a high level of academic and methodical qualification.

Our aspiration for our University is to build bridges between science and society and to make knowledge available for society as well as to integrate impulses from outside the University into our research and teaching practice. We aim to make a valuable contribution to social coexistence, to the free democratic basic order and to preserving creation. 

Isn’t Eichstätt quite small for a university town?

With a population of around 15,000, it is probably the smallest university town in Europe. For our students, this means living and learning in a friendly and informal atmosphere. Whether it is on the way to a lecture in the morning, at the canteen for lunch or in the pub in the evening, you will often come across people you know. It is easy to meet people in Eichstätt! By the way, the KU’s “living room” is the Theke, a bar run by students for students. Here, people meet for parties, jam sessions, karaoke evenings or a cozy round of table football.

A small town also means short distances: The library, the swimming pool, the cinema or the supermarket – everything can be reached in a few minutes on foot or by bike. The town is located right in the heart of the Altmühltal natural park – a real paradise for climbers, canoeists, hikers and cyclists just around the corner.

Should you still reach a point when you feel too cooped in, you can breathe big city air easily near Eichstätt. Ingolstadt with its 135,000 inhabitants is only a few kilometers away and offers a variety of shopping and nightlife options.

Can I also study at the KU if I have completed the Fachabitur?

Yes, you can study certain degree programs at the KU with a subject-specific university entrance qualification (Fachabitur). These are: Social Work (BA) and Religious Education (BA).


The location

Ingolstadt is the second largest city in Upper Bavaria after Munich and is only a 30-minute drive away from the state capital. Located in the heart of the Altmühl valley and the largest hop-growing area in the world - the Hallertau - Ingolstadt has a broad cultural offer.

There are regular classical concerts in the AUDI forum, many different student events, and the Volksfeste, beer festivals that are typical for Bavaria (small Oktoberfest Wiesn festivals). Ingolstadt has many restaurants, bars, beer gardens and clubs that are all located in the historical, picturesque old town and are perfect for enjoying a beer or two with friends after the lectures. Last but not least, Munich with its vast cultural offer is just around the corner.

Together with the district of Eichstätt, the Ingolstadt region has the lowest unemployment rate in Germany. This is partly owing to the fact that many well-known large companies such as EADS, AUDI, EDEKA, Media-Markt Saturn or Hipp have their headquarters in the Ingolstadt region.

More on Ingolstadt as a study location

Advisory Service

Some offers and study conditions are different for international students – our International Office is happy to provide help and support. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our team. We are happy to accompany you on your way to the KU and hope that we can welcome you in person soon!

International Office
Building Domplatz 8  |  Room: DP8-203 | Campus Eichstätt

Subject Advisor WFI

Franziska Rast
Franziska Rast
Student Counselling


General university entrance qualification (Allgemeine Hochschulreife)
or subject-specific university entrance qualification/economics or technical branch
Language requirements
Application period winter
May 01 - Jul 15
Admission restriction
Selection procedure


The application process for international applicants is now completely digital. You can register online in our application portal and carry out and submit your application. After you have carried out the application and uploaded your documents, you do not need to send your documents to us again by post. You do have to submit certified true copies only if you are admitted at the time of enrollment.

Depending on the course of study, you may be asked for information on internships, professional experience, etc. Please upload the relevant documents in the upload area for all the information you provide, even if these are not mandatory fields!

Before you start the application process, please read the additional information on this page, in particular the information on the respective (German) language requirements and university entrance qualifications.

Application - more Information