Inclusive Music Education / Community Music

Master of Arts
Semester fee
78 Euro
Start of the program
Winter semester
Standard length of the program
4 Semester
Place of study
Part-time studies possible

With its conceptually unique Master's degree program in "Inclusive Music Education/Community Music" that has already won international awards, the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt is the first European university to offer a full-time and part-time continuing education program that is explicitly aimed at qualifying music educators and their professionalization with regard to the implementation of the human right of inclusion.

Drawing strongly on the concept of community music, the program aims to enable students to perceive, recognize, and value diversity and the potential that it holds for breaking down barriers, and to provide them with an understanding of how constructive, democratic interaction between people with diverse requirements, opportunities, dispositions, and habitualizations can be promoted through music education. This also involves guiding principles of Community Music, such as social justice, participation, contextualization or cultural democracy.

Studying music in Eichstätt - great potential and benefits

Subject expertise and close links between theory and practice


The teaching staff at the Professorship of Music Education and Music Didactics is exclusively made up of teachers with school experience who skillfully combine practical experience, theoretical reflection and artistic expertise. The international focus within the team’s profile becomes evident in the diverse range of research projects, publications, presentations, teacher trainings and workshops, association work, performances, concerts and its intensive ties to the music industry and renowned cultural institutions. Close ties with the Professorship of Musicology and diverse possibilities for acquiring Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees or the Staatsexamen as well as the network of school-related and non-school music education are distinctive qualities of music degree programs in Eichstätt.

Culture of mutual support, understanding and cooperation


Especially in the context of the subject area music and the working environment school, it is of particular importance to maintain well-functioning interpersonal and social relationships. At the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, we already attach great importance to a good working atmosphere among all KU members during the course of study. In order to promote a culture of mutual support, understanding and cooperation between students and lecturers, the study programs offers so-called introduction days (for the respective subjects and Bachelor’s degree programs) which enable all participants to get to know each other outside the regular coursework. By cultivating an open, personal and respectful interaction, professional hierarchies fade into the background to make room for mutual care, friendly collaboration and best possible preparation for the teaching profession.

Wide range of subjects


The strong connection between the teaching degree program and the Bachelor’s degree program in Applied Musicology and Music Education enables working with an ideal link of school-related and non-school music education which is very valuable not only in the context of all-day schooling. Practical seminars on site in which students work with preschool and school children and elderly people offer first-hand insight into the different professional fields of music education and broaden their horizons by approaching additional learning and teaching concepts.

Vital music practice


Students of music at the KU can benefit from a vast offer of music ensembles. They can realize their artistic potential in jazz combos, chamber music groups, ensembles for early music and traditional folk music, in pop bands, the KU’s own big band, a capella groups, different orchestras and choirs and thus contribute to enriching the cultural life on campus.

Interdisciplinary network


At our Eichstätt campus, there are not only close ties between the disciplines of Music Education and Musicology, but also between different research associations on social issues such as inclusion or migration and flight. Close cooperation between these groups enable a multi-perspective view on research and development processes and on testing and evaluation of practical models.



The Professorship of Music Education and Music Didactics maintains a comprehensive network of numerous local and regional institutions in the field of music educational promotion of children, adolescents and adults. By offering on-site seminars, lecturers avoid artificial laboratory conditions and encourage valuable encounters instead. Transparent and clear structures enable close and coordinated collaboration between participants and offer valuable in-depth insight into the respectively relevant type of schooling.

Target group

The program is aimed at graduates of the KU Bachelor’s degree program in “Applied Musicology and Music Education”, graduates of teaching degree programs in music, and graduates of the field of religious education and programs in artistic practice, instrumental/vocal education, music education, musicology, music therapy, cultural education, social work and social pedagogy.

The program in detail


The Master’s degree program in “Inclusive Music Education/Community Music” enables students to gain specialist knowledge of academic theory, musical practice, and teaching methods, as well as professional skills for careers in music education involving heterogeneous groups, particularly in inclusive contexts. Such expertise requires a range of qualities and abilities. With this in mind, the program aims to equip students with the following skills:

Subject-specific knowledge and skills

Knowledge of key academic theories in the fields of inclusive music education and community music; knowledge of factors that are relevant for music education and approaches to dealing with diversity (e.g. in terms of age, gender, disability, culture, migrant background, religion); advanced academic skills, especially in using empirical research methods.

Educational and didactic skills

Skills in planning, carrying out, and evaluating lessons, projects, and support measures that are appropriate for the target group and based on academic theory under particular consideration of inclusive contexts; knowledge of a wide range of teaching concepts and models; ability to apply music teaching methods and media-based teaching aids in relation to a broad musical repertoire and for a variety of age groups.

Professional skills

Self-management skills in professional context as a music teacher (in self-employment or at an institution); knowledge of cultural institutions, funding programs and cultural policy structures, legal regulations and sources of funding; experience of successfully completing and evaluating music education internships and projects; experience of cultural and networking work at the local, regional, national, and international level.

Personal skills

Openness, flexibility, creativity, willingness to deal with diversity constructively and to promote a culture of appreciation and respect; sensitivity, empathy, self-confidence.


Our Eichstätt campus offers attractive and state-of-the-art facilities: KU music students have their own computer music laboratory with special software for music editing and digital music processing as well as a well-maintained pool of recording equipment for audio and video recordings. For their music practice, students are provided with a separate band room as well as various music practice rooms. Through the University Library, you have access to a large and up-to-date stock of current music-related books and periodicals. In addition, you can borrow sheet music. Interesting cooperation partners from cultural life and the music industry, who enrich the degree program with practical seminars, workshops and external internships, make studying in Eichstätt so interesting.

Rankings and assessments


KU students and alumni have voted for their University to be Germany's most popular university in the 2024 ranking of the online portal StudyCheck. This is the thirdtime in a row, as KU was also voted the most popular university in 2021 and 2022. The ranking was based on over 78,000 evaluations for more than 500 higher education institutions and universities. 97 percent of students questioned for the ranking would recommend studying at the KU to others.

"There is no better praise for a university than almost 100 percent of students and alumni agreeing: I can only recommend studying at the KU! That is why we are very pleased with the ranking’s outcome, because it expresses the high level of satisfaction of our students," says KU President Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gien.

More ranking results

Uniservitate Award 2022

The concept for student practice projects within the master's program "Inclusive Music Education / Community Music" was awarded the international "Uniservitate Award" for service learning projects in July 2022.


Already in its conceptualization phase, the Master’s degree program was closely oriented towards existing international study offers in order to ensure optimal student and staff mobility. The modules were developed in alignment with the Master’s degree program in Community Music at Wilfried Laurier University in Canada or the study and research program of the International Centre for Community Music at York St John University (UK).

Since the establishment of the degree program, we were able to win many international visiting professors or guest lecturers, among them Prof. Lee Higgins (UK), Prof. Dr. Lee Willingham (Canada), Pete Moser (UK), Jennie Henley (UK) and Mary Cohen (USA). In particular in the framework of the lectures on Community Music, students deal with English texts intensively. English language proficiency is required and continuously improved both in seminars held by guest lecturers and during the online sessions with international students.

The program maintains international collaborations with Wilfrid Laurier University in Canada and the International Centre for Community Music at York St John University, UK). In the future, it is envisaged to establish a comprehensive global community music network with various collaborations.

Practical connection

The application-oriented Master's degree program provides for an intensive combination of theory and practice. Students are successively enabled to try out different musical and music pedagogical practices, first in a single course in the framework of a seminar (semester 1), and to then (semester 2) deepen their skills in two practical courses in the next step and to finally apply them in the public. The accompanying short internship in semester 2 as well as the numerous, (inter)national practical references and discourses in the accompanying didactic and scientific-theoretical courses contribute to your inspiration regarding the implementation of inclusive music education/community music.

The contents of semesters 1 and 2 prepare students for the independent organization, implementation and evaluation of the "Practice and Project Semester" that is accompanied by supporting university courses in semester 3, which simulates and anticipates the actual professional routine in the future.

The practical component that is implemented in the undergraduate teaching is accompanied by numerous workshops in the event series "Music Education Special", so that the students can deal with additional contents in theory and practice in a way that is guided by their interests and thereby compensate for weaknesses or develop strengths.

The rich musical life on campus, the variety of events and ensembles as well as the courses of the other music degree programs at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt enable - in addition to project-related activities and cooperation with external partners - a wide range of opportunities for participation in music practice and music education.

Career possibilities and professional fields

Dealing with heterogeneous and, in particular, inclusive groups currently represents a challenge and an opportunity for music teachers, whether they work in schools or in non-formal settings, and will continue to do so in the future. Due in part to long-term developments in society, it is therefore to be expected that music education specialists with specific expertise in dealing with inclusion will have better chances of finding employment at general all-day schools, music schools, cultural institutions, and cultural education institutions, as well as in projects, at youth centers, schools for children with special needs, and retirement homes, in administrative positions related to music education and inclusion, in adult education, and in other areas. As the degree program has an applied focus and the aim of both inclusive music education and community music is to teach music in a way that makes it easily accessible to all, during the program, students gain academic knowledge and professional skills that enable them to initiate, reflect upon and evaluate music workshops and projects for all age groups and also for inclusive contexts. Graduates are therefore particularly well equipped to react flexibly and openly to the dynamics of music-related and social processes of change in a variety of situations.

In addition to their unique expertise gained in the Master’s degree program “Inclusive Music Education/Community Music”, which sets this program apart from other programs in music education, graduates hold a high quality, internationally recognized degree. This, in combination with the in-depth practical experience gained in the program, ensures that they can expect to benefit from improved career prospects.

What students say about the program


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The KU

Sommerresidenz Luftbild


Short distances on campus at the KU save time and avoid stress. The KU is a campus University with modern facilities. The buildings on campus are located close to the Eichstätt old town. Although the University and its campus has grown, it is still characterized by short distances: In Eichstätt, everything can be reached within ten minutes’ walking distance. On campus, green spaces such as the Hofgarten are the perfect places to relax. The garden of the Kapuzinerkloster is also used by different student initiatives for their projects. The canteen is located at the heart of the Eichstätt campus and has a sun deck and cafeteria that leave nothing to be desired.

Studierende vor der Zentralbibliothek

What sets the KU apart

Studying at the KU is more than just acquiring specialist knowledge. We broaden our horizons together and take on responsibility in and beyond the individual degree programs. The KU has a particular focus on topics such as personal development, sustainability, social skills and social commitment.

It offers its students the possibility to study and work in a welcoming atmosphere and benefit from outstanding support and comprehensive service offers, a well-stocked library, a broad range of sports and leisure activities and a large global network of approx. 300 partner universities. Our team at the International Office helps you to plan your semester abroad and the KU Career Service provides comprehensive advice and support for embarking on your professional career.

Do I have to be Catholic in order to study at the KU? Do I have to deal with Catholic contents during my studies?

No, the KU is open to students of all faiths and beliefs.

At the KU, just as at all state universities, there is freedom of research and teaching. This means that our degree programs focus on the subjects for which you have enrolled – free from external influences.

As a student at our University, you will notice what our understanding of being a Catholic University means for us in one thing in particular: The University’s focus is on the individual person. The talents and potential of all those who teach, study, work and carry out research at the KU form our most important foundation – regardless of their religion or beliefs, nationality, ethical, cultural or social background, disabilities, gender, sexual orientation or age.

This is why we promote your best possible academic education through personal support and an ideal staff-to-student ratio. At the same time, the KU is more than just a place for earning your degree: We attach particular importance to imparting social skills and advancing our students’ sense and value orientation in addition to providing them with a high level of academic and methodical qualification.

Our aspiration for our University is to build bridges between science and society and to make knowledge available for society as well as to integrate impulses from outside the University into our research and teaching practice. We aim to make a valuable contribution to social coexistence, to the free democratic basic order and to preserving creation. 

Isn’t Eichstätt quite small for a university town?

With a population of around 15,000, it is probably the smallest university town in Europe. For our students, this means living and learning in a friendly and informal atmosphere. Whether it is on the way to a lecture in the morning, at the canteen for lunch or in the pub in the evening, you will often come across people you know. It is easy to meet people in Eichstätt! By the way, the KU’s “living room” is the Theke, a bar run by students for students. Here, people meet for parties, jam sessions, karaoke evenings or a cozy round of table football.

A small town also means short distances: The library, the swimming pool, the cinema or the supermarket – everything can be reached in a few minutes on foot or by bike. The town is located right in the heart of the Altmühltal natural park – a real paradise for climbers, canoeists, hikers and cyclists just around the corner.

Should you still reach a point when you feel too cooped in, you can breathe big city air easily near Eichstätt. Ingolstadt with its 135,000 inhabitants is only a few kilometers away and offers a variety of shopping and nightlife options.

Can I also study at the KU if I have completed the Fachabitur?

Yes, you can study certain degree programs at the KU with a subject-specific university entrance qualification (Fachabitur). These are: Social Work (BA) and Religious Education (BA).


The location

Ortsschild Eichstätt
University town of Eichstätt
Bootsfahrer auf der Altmühl
Canoeing on the Altmühl river
[Translate to Englisch:] Biergarten
Relaxing and celebrating in beer gardens

Eichstätt and the surrounding Altmühltal natural park are not only a popular destination for culture enthusiasts and nature lovers, but also for cyclists, climbers, canoeists and fossil collectors. Located between Munich and Nuremberg, the city impresses with its Baroque setting and southern flair combined with modern and prizewinning architecture as well as a broad variety of cultural offerings and leisure activities. 

The Baroque park at the heart of the campus and the nearby banks of the Altmühltal river are the KU’s “green living room”. Another big advantage: all University facilities are just a short walk away from each other.

More on the study location Eichstätt

Advisory Service

Some offers and study conditions are different for international students – our International Office is happy to provide help and support. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our team. We are happy to accompany you on your way to the KU and hope that we can welcome you in person soon!

International Office
Building Domplatz 8  |  Room: DP8-203 | Campus Eichstätt


Aptitude test
Language requirements
Application period winter
Apr 01 - Jun 30
Admission restriction
Selection procedure


The application process for international applicants is now completely digital. You can register online in our application portal and carry out and submit your application. After you have carried out the application and uploaded your documents, you do not need to send your documents to us again by post. You do have to submit certified true copies only if you are admitted at the time of enrollment.

Depending on the course of study, you may be asked for information on internships, professional experience, etc. Please upload the relevant documents in the upload area for all the information you provide, even if these are not mandatory fields!

Before you start the application process, please read the additional information on this page, in particular the information on the respective (German) language requirements and university entrance qualifications.

Application - more Information


In order to be admitted to the Master’s degree program in “Inclusive Music Education / Community Music”, applicants must pass an aptitude test. This test aims at determining whether the applicants’ subject-specific, educational, didactic and personal skills fulfill the qualitative requirements of this degree program and whether the qualification objectives can be reached within the standard length of the program.

Further information