
The Chair of Didactics of Religion, Catechetics, and Religious Education is involved in several projects. Please refer to the following pages for more information. We appreciate your interest in our work.


Religious education and non-denominationalism

How should religious education in schools change in the face of growing de-confessionalization and secularization in Germany? The project starts with a think tank in October 2021.

Fit families - modern educational offers tailored to families

The project on “fit families (modern educational offers tailored to families)” analysed offers in the area of adult education in the counties Eichstät

Journal RpB

Religionspädagogische Beiträge (RpB) is the most important academic journal in the field of Catholic religious education in the German speaking world. Its aim is to provide a forum to all branches of academic religious education in which cause for thought and reflection on developments in religious education as well as information on research trends and results can be exchanged and discussed critically.

Forum K´Universale

In an interdisciplinary approach of cooperation between students and lecturers, the K’Universale Forum of the KU significantly contributes to strengthening the Universities profile in the development process.

KUganda: The Challenge of Education in Uganda

The educational project of the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, KUganda, intends to create an awareness for different challenges in the field of global educational justice among students and at the same time offer the possibility for joint cross-cultural learning.

© KU

Picture credits: / KU