Welcome to the Department of Service Management!

The Picture shows Jens Hogreve. Wlcome to the Chair of Service Management.
Prof. Dr. Jens Hogreve

In addition to teaching fundamental knowledge in the field of service marketing and management, the Chair of ABWL and Service Management at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt is engaged in teaching and research for practical application. Our research covers a variety of topics and focuses, among other things, on the management of customer experiences, profit effects of internal service processes and transformative services.

On the following pages, you will find information about news, our teaching offers, theses, research, the dlm-team und current events. The staff of the chair is always available to answer your questions.

The Chair of ABWL and Service Management

Our Research

Inform yourself about the research activities of the DLM Chair.

Our Teaching

Find out here about the teaching activities of the DLM Chair.

Our Team

Inform yourself about the DLM Team.


Here you can find information about the theses.

Link to the practice.

We are constantly working to align our teaching and research activities with practical, entrepreneurial issues. This makes us a competent partner in business management, development and market research. Find out more on the following pages, which provide an overview of consulting fields, cooperation opportunities, reference projects and guest lectures, or contact us directly.

Research Institute BESH

KU Research Institute for Business and Economics in Service of Humanity

Erfahren Sie mir über das KU Research Institute BESH.

Please contact us


Mette Schaufler
Mette Schaufler
Building Neubau  |  Room: NB-309
Alexandra Sievers
Alexandra Sievers
Building Neubau  |  Room: NB-309



Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Faculty of Business Administration
Chair of ABWL and Servicemanagement
Auf der Schanz 49
D-85049 Ingolstadt


Phone:   +49 / 841 / 937 - 21861