Themen für Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten

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Religious Investment funds on the rise – how does the arena look like today? Islamic finance is a growing force in the public perception of the capital markets. But what about other religions? Are they even playing a vital role? Please give an overview of the status quo of this niche market.

Which religion is the holiest – a performance comparison on religious investment funds? Since the Global financial crisis many alternative investment funds are gaining attention. One way is religious finance. It attracts, especially through the rise of Islamic and catholic finance, more and more investors. But are there fundamental differences in the financial success depending on the religion the investment manager follows?

SRI in times of quantitative Easing – are the principles still working? The financial markets are flooded with money and therefore limiting a key tool of the SRI-Funds: Exclusion to raise the price for questionable investments. Please outline financial mechanism usually working and then analyse the current status.

Shareholder Engagement – “best practice” among funds companies. One of the most effective tools to foster the interests of the investors is active shareholder engagement with the portfolio companies. However the range of interaction is wide. Please provide an overview of how the current practices of shareholder Engagement looks like in a chosen market.

Walk what you talk – an analysis of investment funds prospectus claims. Especially in sustainable finance the prospectus is often painting a picture of a “world-changer” mindset of the Investment company. But how does the quality management look like? Is the fund management really taking the time to analyse its portfolio or are they just blindly following rating agency’s?

Impact Measurement – an overview of the status quo. With the rise of SRI and Impact Investing funds the question how to measure actual impact gains in importance. Different Institutions such as GRI have tried to create a framework to quantify the impact. Please provide an overview of the current initiatives in this area.

SRI – what motivates private Investors to invest their money here? SRI is growing in awareness and more and more private Investors are buying those products. A question not yet addressed is whether their main motive is to “not feel guilty” or if actual change is expected from the investment funds. Please perform a field study that addresses this question.

Investment criteria for institutional investors – which role play ethical criteria? Globally more and more institutional investors are incorporating ethical and social topics into their investments process. But what does the status quo look like in German-speaking countries? How important are those questions and do institutional investors track whether their money effects company decisions?

Development, status quo and perspective of sustainability ratings. In the recent years more and more sustainability ratings are entering the financial markets. How do they differentiate from one another and most important: how do they gain credibility? Please provide an overview of the status quo of the market and its perspective.

Improving sustainability ratings. Today most of the sustainability ratings are done from private companies that are facing the challenge to be critical and objective but depend on the cooperation with the companies they analyse. On the other hand, there are numerous NGO’s that have good contacts to locally affected communities but not the public awareness to promote change. Please develop a concept how to bring those two together.