Family-friendly KU

Familiy represented by paper figures
© colourbox

The KU considers family-friendliness an important part of its mission statement and has been working intensively for about 20 years to improve the compatibility of family and university as a place to study and work. In 2004, it was the first Bavarian university to receive the award "Family-friendly University". After many years of successful completion of the audit "Family-friendly University", KU joined the Best Practice Club "Familie in der Hochschule e. V." in 2016. It supports its students and its employees to lead a good life in and with families in all phases of life and qualification.





How to reconcile care and work

Are you working and a close relative suddenly needs care? What do you do now?

The law provides various options to support you in this situation.

Überweisungsträger zum Elterngeld

Current changes to social benefits for families

The Service Center for Family-Friendly Studies (SFS) of the Deutsches Studierendenwerk has compiled an overview of current changes to social benefits…

Laufende Kinder

In planning: Kids' vacation programs in 2024

In 2024, we are planning vacation programs for the first week of the Whitsun vacations (21.5. to 25.5.2024), the autumn vacations (28.10. to…

Important offers

Welcome box

Newborn children of students and employees of KU receive a welcome from the university: among other things the original KU baby romper suit!


The KU has two exemplars of the KidsBox - the mobile kids' room. The KidsBox is used at events or when you have to bring your children to your place of work or study.

© Polzer Innenausbau GmbH & Co. KG.
Vacation program for kids

For some holidays, the Family friendly KU offers vacation programs. Children of primary school age can participate. You can find further information here.




Veronika Hecht
Dr. Veronika Hecht
Research assistant, ZFG
Office hours
Telephon consultation hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 9.00-11.30 a.m.; additional consultation hours by appointment via e-mail