Teaching degree program “LehramtPlus” for Mittelschule

State Examination
Semester fee
78 Euro
Start of the program
Winter semester
Standard length of the program
7 Semester
Place of study
Part-time studies possible

What does Lehramtplus stand for?

Teacher training in Bavaria is conceptualized depending on the different school types and is divided into two phases:

  • The first phase consists of a theoretically substantiated, academic training in the specialized sciences and specialized didactics as well as educational sciences at the university, which concludes with the first teacher examination (Erstes Staatsexamen).
  • This is followed by a two-year, mainly practical training phase in the preparatory teacher training (Referendariat) at seminar schools and assigned schools. This phase is concluded with the Second State Examination.

The Eichstätt study model Lehramtplus gives you the opportunity to acquire a Bachelor's degree in addition to preparing for the state examination. This additional degree, which is academically as well as internationally relevant, allows you to qualify for a professional field outside of school.

The program in detail

Lehramtplus teaching program for Mittelschule (intermediate secondary school offering an expanded general education)

The degree program for teaching at secondary school (Mittelschule) consists of the following components:

  • Teaching subject
  • Education in a subject group at Mittelschule: three didactics subjects (triple didactics) and Mittelschule education / teaching methodology
  • Educational sciences (EWS) (Pedagogy, psychology and social sciences)
  • Internships

An overview of the available subject combinations at the KU is available here (available in german).

There are no admission restrictions for the degree program for teaching at secondary school (Mittelschule). The program starts in the winter semester. More information on enrollment is available (in german) here.

Special regulation for selected teaching subjects

Furthermore, please note that there are special regulations for the following teaching subjects (available only in german):

Standard length of the program

The standard length of the program up to the State Examination is 7 semesters (maximum permissible length of program: 12 semesters); the Bachelor's degree can already be obtained after 6 semesters within the framework of the Lehramtplus study model.

In case of a subject combination with school psychology, the standard length of the program is 9 semesters (maximum permissible length of program: 14 semesters); after the State Examination, the Bachelor's degree in Psychology can be applied for through crediting of the study achievements within the framework of the Lehramtplus study model.

Program contents / examination regulations

The program contents are determined in the study and examination regulations, which can be found at MYWAY.

Option of taking on a third subject

The option of taking on a third subject in the teaching degree program is possible from the third semester at the earliest. A distinction is made between an ongoing extension, simultaneously to the teaching degree program, and a subsequent extension that is added after the First and Second State Examinations. With an ongoing extension, the standard length of the program is extended by two semesters.

In the third subject, the same State Examination must be taken as in the regular subjects; in many cases, however, no module examinations need to be taken as an admission requirement. The special regulations to be fulfilled in each case can be found in the Lehramtsprüfungsordnung (examination regulations for the teaching profession, LPO I - available in german) in the respective subjects of the respective school type.

If necessary, the extension examination will be taken into account when hiring for civil service. Further information can be found on the homepage of the Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs.

The following extensions with a third subject are possible at the KU:

  • A further subject of the offered subjects
  • School Counselor (available in german)
  • Elementary School Education
  • Ethics (available in german)
  • Foreign language qualification (only as a subsequent extension)
  • School psychology (only as a subsequent extension)

Enrollment for the third subject extension is effected at the Student Office with the Application form for adding another degree program (available in german). Depending on the desired subject, an application or aptitude test may be required in advance.


In the course of your teaching degree program, you will have to complete various internships, which you can find in this overview (available in german).

In addition, the Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs also provides important information on internships (available in german). 

Rankings and assessments


KU students and alumni have voted for their University to be Germany's most popular university in the 2024 ranking of the online portal StudyCheck. This is the third time in a row, as KU was also voted the most popular university in 2021 and 2022. The ranking was based on over 78,000 evaluations for more than 500 higher education institutions and universities. 97 percent of students questioned for the ranking would recommend studying at the KU to others. 

"There is no better praise for a university than almost 100 percent of students and alumni agreeing: I can only recommend studying at the KU! That is why we are very pleased with the ranking’s outcome, because it expresses the high level of satisfaction of our students," says KU President Prof. Dr. Gabriele Gien.

More ranking results

Studying abroad

Stay abroad during your teaching degree program

In the context of your teaching degree program, a stay abroad is also possible in the form of a study-abroad period (available in german) or an international internship (available in german).
Please discuss the possibilities of having the stay credited to your program in advance with the subject advisors (available in german) or the Internship Office (available in german).


The KU

Students on our Eichstätt campus

The KU has two campuses: Eichstätt and Ingolstadt. Seven faculties are located in Eichstätt. The Ingolstadt School of Management (WFI) and MIDS (Institute of Applied Mathematics, Machine Learning and Data Science) are located on our Ingolstadt campus.

This degree program is taught on our Eichstätt campus.

Studying in Eichstätt

arrow right iconStudy location

The district of Eichstätt and the city of Ingolstadt are located in the heart of Bavaria. This central location also means that the KU is easy to reach. Eichstätt impresses with its unique combination of baroque architecture, modern amenities and the picturesque nature of the Altmühltal natural park.

arrow right iconCampus

Short distances and lavish green spaces characterize the KU campus in Eichstätt. The KU is a campus University with modern facilities. The buildings on campus are located close to the Eichstätt old town.

arrow right iconMore than just a degree

Studying at the KU not only provides you with the specialist knowledge you need, but also aims to open up real future prospects for its students. We want to support our students in finding their own personal path to their individual dream future! The question is not "What career do I want to pursue?", but rather "Who do I want to be?"

Advisory Service

Some offers and study conditions are different for international students – our International Office is happy to provide help and support. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our team. We are happy to accompany you on your way to the KU and hope that we can welcome you in person soon!

International Office
Building Domplatz 8  |  Room: DP8-203 | Campus Eichstätt


General university entrance qualification (Allgemeine Hochschulreife)
Subject-specific university entrance qualification
Language requirements
Application period winter
May 01 - Jul 15
Admission restriction
Selection procedure


The application process for international applicants is now completely digital. You can register online in our application portal and carry out and submit your application. After you have carried out the application and uploaded your documents, you do not need to send your documents to us again by post. You do have to submit certified true copies only if you are admitted at the time of enrollment.

Depending on the course of study, you may be asked for information on internships, professional experience, etc. Please upload the relevant documents in the upload area for all the information you provide, even if these are not mandatory fields!

Before you start the application process, please read the additional information on this page, in particular the information on the respective (German) language requirements and university entrance qualifications.

Application - more Information

Further information